
© Mary Long / Getty Images

International Women's Day: Trends in women’s health

By Olivia Haslam

PMS and menopause support, mental and emotional well-being, supporting active lifestyles, and creating tailored solutions are the key trends emerging in women’s health, according to industry experts.

The campaign showed success, in spite of the setbacks linked to the declining plant-based market and the cost-of-living crisis. Image Source: Getty Images/ArtMarie

Veganuary 2024: Success or failure?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Veganuary has historically led to a significant uptick in consumption of vegan food products. However, with the plant-based sector in decline, and a cost-of-living crisis sweeping much of the world, can the early-year vegan fervour continue apace?

Under the sea and beyond: Register today for Future of Seafood free editorial webinar

Watch today: Future of Seafood free editorial webinar

By Deniz Ataman

From cultivated and plant-based seafood to aquaculture’s evolution, the seafood category offers advancements in taste, texture, nutrition and sustainability as a protein source for a booming global population. FoodNavigator-USA’s free editorial webinar,...

Source: Getty/	Betsie Van der Meer

Winter Fancy Food Show

Soup-To-Nuts Podcast: Sustainability takes center stage in storytelling

By Elizabeth Crawford

Sustainability may not be as highly prioritized as taste or price in purchase decisions for food and beverage, but research suggests it is increasingly important to consumers -- especially younger shoppers who are coming into their buying power.


When's the right time for a rebrand?

By Rachel Arthur

Pepsi, Ocean Spray and Nescafé have all debuted new looks so far in 2024. Marketing teams tell us how they know when it's the right time for a refresh.

What role does frozen food play in reducing food waste?

What role does frozen food play in reducing food waste?

By Ryan Daily

As the USDA, EPA, and FDA, advance their strategy to reduce food waste, the America Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) is sharing how freezing food can cut down on wasted food and provide consumers with convenient and nutritious food, the organization’s president...

Image Source: Getty Images/D-Keine

NPD Trend Tracker: From mandarin orange juice to AI-generated recipes

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

In this week's NPD Trend Tracker, we see how high orange juice prices have led to the development of mandarin orange juice, and the rise of generative AI has led to the creation of an AI cookbook. Furthermore, we see a rebranding from Mallow &...

What are the positives and negatives of consuming caffeine?

What are the positives and negatives of consuming caffeine?

By Donna Eastlake

Many of us start our day with a piping hot cup of tea or coffee. In fact, it’s sometimes the very first thought we have before we’ve even opened our eyes. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of consuming caffeine and how much is too much?

Super Bowl ad winners and losers: Which brands came out on top?

Super Bowl ad winners and losers: Which brands came out on top?

By Ryan Daily

Super Bowl advertisers that spent millions of dollars on commercials are already seeing a boost in sales, as consumers cite increased demand for Doritos Dinamita, Lindor Chocolate, Starry, Nerds, and Poppi, according to separate reports from Veylinx and...

Artificial intelligence is very quickly finding its space within the bakery industry. Pic: GettyImages

What do bread, romance and cancer have in common?

By Gill Hyslop

The launch of a range of AI-developed breads in flavors that invoke the feelings associated with love prompted an deeper search to find out what impact artificial intelligence is having on the bakery sector.

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