Healthy snacking

There is emerging evidence that the timing of food intake plays a much more important role in metabolism than previously thought, say researchers.

Night snacking woes: Is food timing is key to weight loss?

By Nathan Gray

There is a lack of top level evidence to support the notion that eating ‘little and often’ is beneficial for metabolism and weight loss, say researchers who warn that more robust clinical data that also accounts for meal timing is needed.

Picture: Istockphoto: Daniela Mangiuca

Space... the final frontier for food science at Food Vision USA

By Elaine Watson

To boldly go... where no food conference has gone before? Space food is on the menu at Food Vision USA (we've lined up NASA on day three), but we're just as concerned about what we're eating here on earth, and whether food retailers are...

Move over potato chips...consumers want veggie chips, hummus and now seaweed, say manufacturers

'There’s going to be little tweaks in the direction of better-for-you because it isn’t just a niche group like granola people, it’s everybody'

Trendy snacks: Will seaweed, hummus and cassava spell the death of the potato chip?

By Kacey Culliney

The alternative chip craze has exploded with a flurry of root veg and plant products on shelf, but can they compete with or even kill off the infamous potato chip?

New formats help make broccoli more snackable

Summer Fancy Food Show

New formats help make broccoli more snackable

By Elizabeth Crawford

Broccoli is one of the stereo-typically most hated vegetables from childhood, but now it is emerging as one of the hottest trends in snacking with new formats that promise to be kid- and adult-friendly.

Ardent Mills: 'Sprouted grains play into a deep emotional need for new beginnings, rebirth, and renewal'

'Sprouted grains have long term potential to be very big...' Ardent Mills

Sprouted grains: The next big opportunity for the grain chain?

By Elaine Watson

Sprouted whole grains could give the grain industry a real opportunity to claw back the initiative in the debate sparked by books like Grain Brain and Wheat Belly by tapping into demand for more nutrient-rich, minimally processed natural foods, but also...

Way Better Snacks founder & CEO Jim Breen

Way Better Snacks sells minority stake to private equity firm

By Elaine Watson

An injection of capital from private equity firm Alliance Consumer Growth (ACG) will help Way Better Snacks accelerate its nationwide distribution and raise awareness about the benefits of sprouted grains, founder and CEO Jim Breen told FoodNavigator-USA.

KRAVE protein bars will blend meat, fruit, veg and grains - a shift away from its traditional jerky products

NPD EXCLUSIVE: 'We're going to deliver more protein with a third of the sugar,' says CEO

KRAVE Jerky to launch low-sugar protein bars

By Kacey Culliney

Hershey-owned KRAVE Jerky will go head-to-head with Clif Bar, Kind and Lärabar as it readies to launch protein bars with one-third of the sugar towards the end of this year.

Cheese could be the next health food, industry expert suggests

Cheese could be the next health food, industry expert suggests

By Elizabeth Crawford

The tide may be changing for cheese, as science helps re-position the dairy food as a protein-dense, calcium-rich, healthy snack rather than as a high-fat and -sodium food to be enjoyed in moderation, suggests a market trends expert. 

Tarte Asian Yogurt on carving out a niche in a crowded market

Winston Lee: 'We're caramelizing milk and sugar together and then culturing it'

Tarte Asian Yogurt CEO: 'Greek has 47% of the market; we’re going after the other 53%'

By Elaine Watson

When Winston Lee started pitching Tarte Asian Yogurt to retailers three years ago, the market had already hit peak Greek, he says: “Buyers were already looking at what's next after Greek. If you weren't already a brand on the shelf, you had...

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