
Parents want snacks that offer nutrition and satiety - along with the bonus of looking after the planet - for themselves and their kids. Pic: GettyImages/Sinenkiy

Plant-based eating is trending in snacks for kids

By Gill Hyslop

Human nutrition specialist ADM has unveiled the next big consumer trends for 2022, among them the dynamic growth of plant-based snacks that deliver nutrition and satiety for kids.

Nuseed Nutritional uses a genetically modified form of canola as the raw material for its plant-based omega-3 ingredient. ©Getty Images - alexxx1981

GMO plant-based omega-3 approved as NDI

By Hank Schultz

Nuseed Nutritional US has announced its omega-3 ingredient derived from a genetically modified canola strain has successfully completed a New Dietary Ingredient Notification with FDA.


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