Cereals and bakery preparations

Source: E. Crawford

Summer Fancy Food Show

Soup-To-Nuts Podcast: Six trends to watch from the Summer Fancy Food Show

By Elizabeth Crawford

At the Summer Fancy Food Show in New York City late last month emerging and established brands were going back to basics with simplified ingredients, streamlined packaging, clear cut benefits and natural – if not always familiar – flavor profiles.

Snack marketing for multicultural consumers

Sweets & Snacks Expo

Snack marketing for multicultural consumers

By Deniz Ataman

As brands seek cultural fluency to develop products for different demographics, Kellogg’s presentation during the Sweets & Snacks Expo explored the various nuances of the multicultural and generational differences of the American snack consumer, specifically...

How retailers can enhance impulse purchases in-store and online

Sweets & Snacks Expo

How retailers can enhance impulse purchases in-store and online

By Deniz Ataman

While e-commerce impulse buys are evolving, in-store purchases are still critical in capturing snack and candy consumers—with the self-checkout lane offering tremendous potential growth for both brands and retailers, Kathy Risch, senior vice president,...

Source: Getty/ALEAIMAGE

‘Allergen advisory statements are not a substitute for … good manufacturing practices’

FDA partially addresses unintended outcome of adding sesame to major allergen list

By Elizabeth Crawford

A draft compliance policy guide published in today’s Federal Register outlines how FDA plans to enforce major food allergen labeling and the risk of cross-contact, but does not directly address the unintended consequences of the recent addition of sesame...

The Wheat Foods Council is ramping up its strategy to increase the use of wheat foods among consumers, foodservice operators and manufacturers. Pic: GettyImages/GMVozd

Wheat Foods Councils ramps up its ‘all things wheat’ message

By Gill Hyslop

Did you know there are six official classes of wheat? That each tiny wheat berry seed (the kernel) contains three distinct parts that are separated during the milling process to produce flour? That wheat made into fortified flour is subjected up to 21...

Source: Getty/Sefa Ozel

What is behind rising food prices and when will they come back down?

By Deniz Ataman

Rapidly rising food prices are expected to slow in 2023 after supply chain challenges, geo-political strife, climate change and agricultural policy changes contributed to record inflation in 2022 and prompted government action, according to federal agencies....

Low dose resistant potato starch shows prebiotic effects in new study

Low dose resistant potato starch shows prebiotic effects in new study

By Olivia Haslam

A new clinical trial has concluded that Solnul, a resistant potato starch (RPS), has prebiotic effects at low dosages, stimulating increases in beneficial health-associated bacteria and reducing diarrhoea and constipation when compared to a placebo group.

Source: Justin Howe

Natural Products Expo West

Simple Mills is creating market demand for biodiverse crops, pushing for equity

By Elizabeth Crawford

Better for you snack brand Simple Mills is taking is mission and products beyond its initial “free from” roots to embrace a “for more” approach that not only skips artificial ingredients that consumers are avoiding but gives them more of what they want...

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