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Picture Copyright: Brian Turner/Flickr

PepsiCo savors $363m US tax triumph over IRS

By Ben Bouckley

PepsiCo has won a US Tax Court judgment against the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) which claimed the firm owed it circa. $363m in unpaid tax relating to operations in Europe and Puerto Rico.

Delivery format key to reaching Gen Y supplement users

By Hank Schultz

Kids don’t listen to the music their parents did.  When they got their driver’s licenses, they didn’t drive the family Buick, unless there was no choice.  And now that they are a little older, they don’t take supplements the way older generations do,...

Downsize me: Will NYC-style portion curbs help battle the bulge?

Downsize me: Will NYC-style portion curbs help battle the bulge?

By Elaine WATSON

The row over Mayor Bloomberg’s controversial plan to curb sales of super-size sodas in New York City has intensified with the publication of new research debating the role that sugary drinks play in the nation’s expanding waistline.


Goddess Energy flirts with hoodia in energy drink

By Ben Bouckley

US firm Goddess Energy has launched an energy drink for women called Flirt, which is on East Coast sale as a dietary supplement with one interesting appetite-suppressing bioactive, Hoodia Gordonii.

How easy - and how expensive - is it to source non-GMO ingredients?

How easy - and how expensive - is it to source non-GMO ingredients?

By Elaine WATSON

With the debate over Prop 37 heating up, a new class action lawsuit over ‘all-natural’ claims on products containing GMOs filed every week, and Monsanto in the firing line following a damaging study on GM maize, more and more manufacturers are exploring...

Food labels may help consumer battle obesity

Food labels may help consumer battle obesity: Study

By Nathan Gray

Reading nutritional information placed on food labels works to help fight obesity, according to new findings confirming that people who read labels are generally thinner than those who do not.

Top analyst predicts FDA wriggle room in supplement-beverage guidance

Top analyst predicts FDA wriggle room in supplement-beverage guidance

By Ben Bouckley

With the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) poised to publish guidance on distinguishing between beverages and liquid dietary supplements, one analyst tells he doesn’t see the agency cracking down too hard on traditional energy drinks.

Exposure to low levels of the genetically modified crop could result in a ‘greatly increased’ risk of tumors’ and premature death, say French researchers.

‘Safe’ levels of Monsanto herbicide and GM crop linked to cancer

By Nathan Gray

Long term exposure to even relatively low levels of Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup and a genetically modified resistant crop strain could result in a ‘greatly increased’ risk of tumors’ and premature death, according to new findings in rats.

US sugar prices are kept artificially high, claims the ABA

Bakers: US sugar prices are still 50-75% higher than world prices

By Elaine WATSON

The American Bakers Association (ABA) says it is only a matter of time before “some form of a [sugar] reform amendment passes in the House”, although sugar producers say the US should learn some lessons from Europe and stop trying to fix something that...

R&D challenge: Developing texture-modified foods for the elderly

R&D challenge: Developing texture-modified foods for the elderly

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Texture-modified foods for the elderly are likely to become an important area for R&D in the coming years as the population ages – but there are many challenges to producing foods that provide all the nutrition elderly people need that are still palatable...

Nogueira to head JBS USA

Nogueira to head JBS USA

By Carina Perkins

Meat processor JBS USA has announced changes to senior management, with current CEO Don Jackson due to retire at the end of the year.

Kalsec rosemary extracts “allow for addition directly into the cereal and provide performance without contributing the bitter, off flavors associated with other natural antioxidants”, says Gary Augustine

Natural antioxidant offers shelf-life boost for extruded cereals

By Elaine WATSON

Rosemary extracts can deliver a significant reduction in the formation of hexanal - a marker for oxidation in foods - without the bitter off-flavors associated with other natural antioxidants, tests by natural extract specialist Kalsec have revealed. 

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