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US meat trade welcomes CAFO database decision

US meat trade welcomes CAFO database decision

By Carina Perkins

The US meat industry has welcomed an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decision not to introduce laws that would require intensive farms to provide detailed information on their operations.

How can social media fit into the NPD process?

Special edition: The new product development process

How can social media fit into the NPD process?

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Social media allows companies to feel out consumer perceptions of ingredients and concepts at the beginning of the product development process – and combines well with more traditional consumer research, says social media research firm Loudpixel.

Millennials are nearly three times as likely to be influenced by smartphone apps when choosing brands

Millennials: Cautious, volatile – and online

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Millennials may be the hot new target demographic for food and beverage manufacturers in the United States, but they are a cautious and volatile group of shoppers, according to a new report from market research organization SymphonyIRI.

Kellogg settlement on attention cereal claims rejected

Kellogg settlement on attention cereal claims rejected

By Oliver Nieburg

Kellogg will need to negotiate a new deal in a class action dispute over advertising claims for its Frosted Mini-Wheats cereal after a US federal appeals court rejected a $10.7m settlement.

Cargill buys Texan beef plant

Cargill buys Texan beef plant

By Carina Perkins

US meat giant Cargill has acquired a bankrupt beef processing plant in Texas for $14.1m, with the sale expected to close next week.

Sowders: “This is a real step change for our business.”

Big interview: Rod Sowders, CEO and president, Synergy Flavors

Synergy Flavors plans move into new innovation facility

By Elaine WATSON

Synergy Flavors aims to move all of its product development, marketing, commercial and admin functions to a new flavor innovation and manufacturing campus less than a mile from its current facility in Wauconda, Illinois, by the end of August.

Datamonitor: ‘Product failure is the Area 51 of the food industry’

Special edition: The New Product Development Process

Datamonitor analyst: ‘Product failure is the Area 51 of the food industry’

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Thousands of new products hit the shelves every year, many of them fail, and few companies are comfortable talking openly about those that don’t make the cut – but manufacturers shouldn’t let product failure go to waste, says Datamonitor analyst Tom Vierhile.

US scientists refute E.coli poultry link claim

US scientists refute E.coli poultry link claim

By Carina Perkins

US scientists have questioned claims made by ABC News, which yesterday aired a report saying that women are developing antibiotic resistant bladder infections caused by E.coli from poultry products.

Mining the stevia leaf: ‘Reb A purity is the old way of thinking’

Mining the stevia leaf: ‘Reb A purity is the old way of thinking’

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Combining different sweet components from the stevia leaf – in a similar way to combining artificial sweeteners – may be the next step toward improving the flavor of stevia-sweetened products, says PureCircle’s vp of global marketing and innovation Jason...

Some like it hot: But precisely how hot? asks Kalsec...

Some like it hot: But precisely how hot? asks Kalsec...

By Elaine Watson

What does ‘heat’ really mean in a flavoring system? Heat that burns at the back of the throat or tingles on the tongue?  Heat that lingers or heat that provides an intense sensation on the tip of the tongue?

Nanotechology: No longer the 'Wild West' of science?

Nanotechology: No longer the 'Wild West' of science?

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Nanotechnology has become just one of many tools available to food companies looking to improve food safety, delivery of nutrients, or food packaging, transitioning from the 'Wild West' of science, according to deputy director of the National...

Canada urged to stop subsidies before TPP entry

Canada urged to stop subsidies before TPP entry

By Carina Perkins

Pork producers in the US, Australia and New Zealand have called for Canada to ditch its pork subsidies before entering into the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

General Mills has pioneered the use of open innovation in the packaged grocery trade

What does General Mills have in its innovation pipeline?

By Elaine Watson

A raft of new products from whole-grain pizza crusts under the Pillsbury brand to a Cascadian Farm granola packed with ancient grains, will hit stores this summer as General Mills ramps up its new product development activities.

Viral 'Coca-Cola Bag' video spoof dupes world media

Viral 'Coca-Cola Bag' video spoof dupes world media

By Ben Bouckley

A hoax video claiming that the Coca-Cola Company planned to launch a 'Coca-Cola Bag' worldwide has duped the world media, leading the company to rush out a statement yesterday clarifying it was not the author of the media that went viral on...

Step-wise sodium reduction for consumer acceptance

Researchers back step-wise sodium reduction for consumer acceptance

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Reducing salt in processed foods through a series of unnoticed reductions could be an effective way to improve consumer acceptance of low-sodium foods, according to the authors of a new study published in the Journal of Sensory Studies, but how quickly...

Gordon: 'Bringing in National Starch was transformational for our business'

Big Interview: Ilene Gordon, chairman, president and CEO, Ingredion

Ingredion CEO: ‘Some manufacturers are outsourcing NPD to their suppliers’

By Elaine WATSON

With R&D departments at some food manufacturers pared down to the bone as bosses slash overheads to control costs, open innovation has moved from a hot topic on the conference circuit to a practical necessity, says Ingredion CEO Ilene Gordon.

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