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No more stealth? Speaking out on sodium reduction

No more stealth? Speaking out on sodium reduction

By Caroline Scott-Thomas in Boston

Nestle Prepared Foods Company is one of many food manufacturers to announce a bold sodium reduction strategy, recently pledging to slash sodium in its products by ten percent by 2015. The company's manager of marketing communications told FoodNavigator-USA...

How Coca-Cola keeps up with shifting consumer demands

How Coca-Cola keeps up with shifting consumer demands

By Caroline Scott-Thomas in Boston

The Coca-Cola Company has accelerated its launches of 'better for you' beverages in recent years but consumers often have conflicting preferences - how does Coca-Cola keep ahead of new trends?

For front-of-pack labels, smart choices take time

For front-of-pack labels, smart choices take time

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Uh-oh, surely not another industry-sponsored front-of-pack nutrition label! Food industry engagement is welcome, but let’s take it slowly – no one benefits until we figure out a system that works.

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