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POM: The legal saga rolls on

FTC bombs POM (and researchers beware)

By Shane Starling

The Federal Trade Commission legal action alleging POM Wonderful made unsubstantiated claims for its pomegranate products, adds to a stream of claim actions the increasingly active agency has taken this year.

India’s nutrition boom produces contract research boon

Special edition: Asia

India’s nutrition boom produces contract research boon

By Stephen Daniells

As the need for scientific support for potential health claims for healthy foods increases, India is leveraging its pharmaceutical expertise to take a bite of the functional foods pie.

No recommendation on GM salmon after hearings

No recommendation on GM salmon after hearings

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

After two days of hearings, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel has called for more research to decide whether genetically engineered salmon is safe for consumption.

Why cavemen could hold the key to healthy eating

Why cavemen could hold the key to healthy eating


There’s something incongruous about the hi-tech modern food industry sniffing around the Palaeolithic era for the next big consumer trend. But hold the side order of cynicism. There might just be some logic to good old-fashioned instinctive eating.

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