The obesity problem

Clemmy's CEO: 'Pay to play' slotting deals penalize small players

Ice cream co engaged in ‘David & Goliath’ lawsuit vs Nestlé alleging unfair competition

Ice cream co in ‘David & Goliath’ lawsuit v Nestlé: Is it time for a rethink about the way shelf-space is allocated in US supermarkets?

By Elaine Watson

As Kraft’s CEO recently observed, smaller, more agile players seem to be better at coming up with exciting new products than many CPG giants, for whom innovation is often more about trade management than addressing genuine consumer needs. But if this...

Should added sugars be listed on the Nutrition Facts panel?

Sugar is sugar, say bakers, our bodies don't distinguish between 'naturally occurring' and 'added' varieties

Should ‘added sugars' be listed on the Nutrition Facts panel?

By Elaine Watson

A row is brewing over the merits of including ‘added sugars’ on the Nutrition Facts panel, with critics arguing that our bodies don’t distinguish between ‘naturally occurring’ and ‘added’ sugar - and neither should food labels - and supporters saying...

How much fast food do children eat?

How much fast food do children eat?

By Maggie Hennessy

A custom algorithm developed by University of Washington researchers that breaks down fast food restaurants (FFRs) by segment and meal type finds that children get most of their fast food calories from burger restaurants, though just 14% of children’s...

Added sugar from soda, energy and sports drinks accounts for a fairly modest 4.9% of total energy in the American diet

Added sugars account for 14.1% of total energy intakes for Americans

What are the biggest contributors of added sugars to the US diet?

By Elaine Watson

While we tend to assume that fast food outlets (the bottomless soda cup) contribute a disproportionate amount of added sugar to the US diet compared with store-bought groceries, new data shows that the reverse is actually true.

Mexico restricts junk food ads; time for rethink on advertising?

The RD's perspective

Mexico restricts junk food ads; time for rethink on advertising?

By Maggie Hennessy

Mexico announced last week that it was restricting television advertising on high-calorie food and soda in an effort to stem the rising tide of obesity. Registered dietitians weigh in on the impact of the measure, which is the farthest any country has...

Professor David Kessler says the FDA needs to look beyond the Nutrition Facts label

Proposals don't consider a product's overall nutritional value, says professor

Former FDA commissioner: Nutrition Facts overhaul doesn’t go far enough

By Elaine Watson

FDA proposals to overhaul the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels are “strong” and “likely to make an important contribution”, says former FDA commissioner David Kessler, M.D. “But I believe they don't go far enough.”

Bloomberg’s big soda cap is dead

Bloomberg’s big soda cap is dead

By Maggie Hennessy

New York’s highest court has refused to reinstate New York City’s controversial limit on the sale of large sugary beverages, effectively killing the city’s final appeal. 

Protein, sugar and hybrid products: Innova teases IFT agenda

Trendspotting from Innova Market Insights

Protein, sugar and hybrid products: Innova teases IFT agenda

By Maggie Hennessy

Can anything top protein? What’s a “silver consumer” and why should we care? Would salty caramel work in a soft drink? Innova Market Insights teased a very full agenda of trendwatching presentations at next week’s Institute of Food Technologists’ (IFT)...

Solving the unhealthy = tasty dilemma

Solving the unhealthy = tasty dilemma

By Maggie Hennessy

As the number of overweight and obese people worldwide continues to climb, policymakers and public health officials are scratching their heads over how to stimulate healthier food choices among consumers. 

Eating prunes can help weight loss

Eating prunes can help weight loss

By Maggie Hennessy

Research from the University of Liverpool found that including prunes in weight may control diets and even improve weight loss. But can the dried plum get past its image problem?

Obesity a threat to global food security: DuPont

Obesity a threat to global food security: DuPont

By Maggie Hennessy

Nearly three quarters (70%) of countries worldwide improved their food security in the past year, according to data from the 2014 Global Food Security Index jointly presented by DuPont and the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). But the global threat obesity...

Study supports diet soda’s potential for weight management

Study supports diet soda’s potential for weight management

By Stephen Daniells

Consuming diet sodas along with a weight loss program may lead to shedding more pounds than when water alone is consumed along with the weight loss program, says a new study from the University of Colorado and sponsored by the American Beverage Association.

Proposed nutrition labels more effective than current labels: survey

Proposed nutrition labels more effective than current labels: survey

By Maggie Hennessy

In line with the goals set forth by FDA’s proposed Nutrition Facts updates, consumers find proposed labels easier to read in less time and perceive food and beverage products with larger serving sizes to be less healthy, according to a study from the...

With current soda sizes, we’re not really giving consumers a choice, RD says

The RD's perspective: Lisa Young, NYU

With current soda sizes, we’re not really giving consumers a choice, RD says

By Maggie Hennessy

Ahead of the June 4 vote on whether New York City delis and restaurants should be allowed to serve large sugary beverages, FoodNavigator-USA caught up with Lisa Young, RD, PhD of New York University on the importance of more radical approaches to curbing...

Bloomberg’s proposed soda cap gets new life

Bloomberg’s proposed soda cap gets new life

By Maggie Hennessy

Two amicus (friend of the court) legal briefs have been filed in support of New York City’s proposed cap on sugary drink portions, saying the rule is a sensible step toward stemming the tide of obesity, diabetes and other diet-related chronic illnesses. 

Severe obesity in US children on the rise, multipronged solution needed

Severe obesity in US children on the rise, multipronged solution needed

By Maggie Hennessy

All classes of obesity in US children have increased over the past 14 years, according to a study published in JAMA Pediatrics. A physician specializing in food, nutrition and metabolism told FoodNavigator-USA he wouldn’t rule out stronger measures like...

CA soda warning label: commonsense or red-tape nightmare?

Special edition: Healthy beverage trends

CA soda warning label: commonsense or red-tape nightmare?

By Maggie Hennessy

Earlier this month, a California Senate committee approved a bill to mandate warning labels on sugary beverages. As SB 1000 awaits votes in the Senate Committee on Appropriations later this month before a full Senate floor vote, the question of public...

Is Big Food the new tobacco?

Insights from Perrin Conferences

Is Big Food the new tobacco?

By Maggie Hennessy

As the class-action lawsuits pile up amid growing public health concerns over obesity and ongoing labeling debates, one has to wonder: Is Big Food going the way of Big Tobacco? And who should regulate food and beverage industry marketing? Companies, government...

What do you do? Dilip K. Nakhasi, director of innovation at Bunge Oils

60-second interview: the day job

What do you do? Dilip K. Nakhasi, director of innovation at Bunge Oils

By Maggie Hennessy

For the latest edition of FoodNavigator-USA’s What do you do? series, we caught up with Bunge Oils North America's head of innovation for a (slightly over) 60-second interview on what he’s learned from 23 years in lipid research and innovation, the...

Don’t tax my soda! Study shows consumers put choice first

Don’t tax my soda! Study shows consumers put choice first

By Maggie Hennessy

First Lady Michelle Obama has called it “liquid sugar” and the World Health Organization warns that much of our sugar intake is “hidden” in processed food and beverages such as soda (a 12-ounce can contains 10 teaspoons). As public health officials continue...

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