The obesity problem

Some calorie counts may be inaccurate

Experts reiterate call for calorie count reform

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Caloric values – particularly for nuts and legumes – should be re-evaluated in light of recent studies suggesting commonly used calorie estimates may be flawed, according to a panel of experts at SIAL in Paris.

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Big beverage players were ‘stuck behind the 8 ball’ on HFCS – Consultant

By Ben Bouckley

Martin Concannon, founder and MD of Kentucky-based consultancy, Lafayette Associates, tells how the media firestorm that followed High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) in recent years was in part whipped-up by social media following a 2004...

Whole grains and health: Where’s the evidence?

Dispatches from the Whole Grains on Every Plate conference

Whole grains and health: Where’s the evidence?

By Elaine Watson in San Antonio, Texas

Epidemiological studies reveal a clear association between increased wholegrain consumption and a reduced risk of colorectal cancer, cardiovascular disease, elevated blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and weight gain.

General Mills, ConAgra: Processed food is not the enemy

General Mills, ConAgra: Processed food is not the enemy

By Elaine WATSON

Telling consumers - many of whom do not have the time, inclination or money to prepare meals from scratch - that they should steer clear of ‘processed’ foods and eat only ‘wholefoods’ instead, is unrealistic and unhelpful, according to dietitians at General...

Have you had your P.L.A.Y. today? PepsiCo targets women with new protein product launch

Dispatches from the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE) 2012

Have you had your P.L.A.Y. today? PepsiCo targets women with new protein product launch

By Elaine WATSON in Philadelphia

PepsiCo is developing a novel protein-based product designed to appeal to women that “won’t show up on a shelf the way you envision it”, revealed bosses at its Nutrition Ventures arm at the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE) this week.

Downsize me: Will NYC-style portion curbs help battle the bulge?

Downsize me: Will NYC-style portion curbs help battle the bulge?

By Elaine WATSON

The row over Mayor Bloomberg’s controversial plan to curb sales of super-size sodas in New York City has intensified with the publication of new research debating the role that sugary drinks play in the nation’s expanding waistline.

Food labels may help consumer battle obesity

Food labels may help consumer battle obesity: Study

By Nathan Gray

Reading nutritional information placed on food labels works to help fight obesity, according to new findings confirming that people who read labels are generally thinner than those who do not.

Mayor Bloomberg: Bold action is needed as 58% of adults and nearly 40% of city public school students in New York City are obese or overweight

Soft drinks giants mull legal options as NYC soda ban gets green light

By Elaine WATSON

Beverage makers have blasted New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s “discriminatory ban” on sales of super-sized sodas, while supporters have dismissed the industry’s “professionally manufactured outrage” and urged other states to follow suit.

The fight against obesity: A new investment megatrend?

The fight against obesity: A new investment megatrend?

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Obesity is a ‘global sustainability megatrend’ likely to take decades to address – but it could also provide opportunities for investors looking to support those industries aiming to be part of the solution, including parts of the food industry, according...

Lack of exercise is not a key factor in obesity, study suggests

Lack of exercise is not a key factor in obesity, study suggests

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Lack of physical activity is not likely to be a key factor in Western obesity rates, according to a new study published in the journal PLoS ONE, which suggests that over-consumption of calories is the biggest culprit.

PureCircle: stevia 3.0 intensifies war on obesity

PureCircle: stevia 3.0 intensifies war on obesity

By Rod Addy

PureCircle’s next generation of stevia extracts, nicknamed stevia 3.0, will help the company step up its assault on the global obesity problem, according to Jason Hecker, vice president for global marketing and innovation.

Children don’t switch milk for sweetened drinks, claim researchers

Children don’t switch milk for sweetened drinks, claim researchers

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

US children drink less milk and more sweetened beverages like soda and sports drinks as they get older, but such drinks do not necessarily replace milk in children’s diets, according to new research published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition...

Kramer: 'Aggressively bringing new products and technologies to market'

Big interview: Karl Kramer, president, innovation and commercial development, Tate & Lyle

Tate & Lyle innovation chief: ‘We’re not interested in me-too products’

By Elaine Watson

What’s in Tate & Lyle’s innovation pipeline? That’s top secret, says Karl Kramer, “but we are working on some completely new, completely novel ingredients and exciting technologies. We’re not interested in me-too products.”

General Mills has pioneered the use of open innovation in the packaged grocery trade

What does General Mills have in its innovation pipeline?

By Elaine Watson

A raft of new products from whole-grain pizza crusts under the Pillsbury brand to a Cascadian Farm granola packed with ancient grains, will hit stores this summer as General Mills ramps up its new product development activities.

Gordon: 'Bringing in National Starch was transformational for our business'

Big Interview: Ilene Gordon, chairman, president and CEO, Ingredion

Ingredion CEO: ‘Some manufacturers are outsourcing NPD to their suppliers’

By Elaine WATSON

With R&D departments at some food manufacturers pared down to the bone as bosses slash overheads to control costs, open innovation has moved from a hot topic on the conference circuit to a practical necessity, says Ingredion CEO Ilene Gordon.

Samy Jandali: 'People are beginning to realize that it’s more important to reduce fat than to just lose weight. It’s all about body shape.'

Interview: Samy Jandali, VP Nutrition & Health, North America, BASF

Open innovation at BASF: ‘We want to move beyond the buzzwords'

By Elaine Watson

Chat to any major ingredients supplier at a trade show and you can expect to hear liberal use of buzzwords from ‘partnership’ and ‘collaboration’ to ‘open innovation’ says Samy Jandali.

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