The main obstacle to the market's growth has been an increased focus on fresh foods, according to publisher Packaged Facts.
The new report, Pickles, Olives, and Relishes in the US, reveals that sales of these products have remained flat for the past five years, hovering at the $2.6bn mark.
And despite a consumer awakening to the probiotic health benefits of fermented vegetables, the report projects that the market will continue its struggle to grow.
Sales are expected to dip to $2.6bn by 2010 as the refrigerated pickles, olives, and relishes category continues to decline. Shelf stable fare is expected to remain flat despite manufacturer efforts to upscale and introduce healthier products and unique flavors.
Indeed, the "upscale" package tag was carried by almost 7 percent of new products in the marinated condiment market, said Packaged Facts. Other tags such as "fresh," "no preservatives," and "gourmet" were also used, but these did little to stimulate market growth.
However, the low-fat, heart-friendly characteristics of olives and olive products coupled with the common notion that pickles, olives, and relishes are considered "fun-filled" foods, give marketers a lot of potential to promote their products as tasty, healthy, and nutritious, according to the report.
"If you look on the supermarket shelves, right next to the organic pickles, olives, and other marinated condiments, we're seeing healthy competition from ethnic fare, particularly Asian and Hispanic," said Don Montuori, the publisher of Packaged Facts.
"This opens up ethnic demographics as well as Baby Boomers as key targets for manufacturers who want to increase sales by focusing on innovative flavors, greater varieties of premium vegetables, and ethnic-inspired condiments," he added.