GMA survey reveals low engagement with social media

Most consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies have low engagement with social media, according to the results of a poll conducted by the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA).

An estimated 110m people in the US – or 36 percent of the total population – are regular users of social networking sites, according to a survey conducted by Anderson Analytics in July, suggesting that the medium could be a valuable brand-building avenue for consumer goods manufacturers.

The findings of the GMA poll were revealed at a CPG Social Media Forum in New York last week, and showed that more than half (52.6 percent) of companies polled have little presence on the three main social networking platforms – Facebook, Twitter, and blogs.

Moreover, companies were unsure about to how to achieve a return on investment. Of the 22 companies surveyed, only two said that they were generating funds through their use of social media. Half said they found it difficult to know how to measure its effectiveness.

The GMA’s senior director of industry affairs Jeanne Iglesias detailed social media opportunities for industry, including connection with a younger generation, personal connection with customers in real-time and consumer engagement with the product.

She also said that new media could provide companies with reach beyond television advertising, a way to seek new talent, a cost-efficient marketing tool, and a way to improve brand image.

Senior vice president of industry affairs for GMA Stephen Sibert said: “This survey and the recent GMA social media event clearly show that social media is on the rise in the CPG sector. GMA will continue to play an important role in developing and facilitating wider adoption of best practices when it comes to social media.”