Which states are net producers versus net consumers?

© Getty Images / thinkreaction
© Getty Images / thinkreaction
Are potatoes the top selling edible product of Idaho and oranges in Florida? It’s actually dairy from Idaho and beef from Florida, according to a new analysis that looks at food production vs food consumption in the US.

Data published by Pots Planters and More​ shows that the biggest exporters of food from the United States are Louisiana, Illinois, Arkansas, Indiana and California. Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota also produce more than they consume, while Alaska, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire are net importers of food.

The analysis also revealed that the US imports an estimated 15% of our entire food supply, including 50% of the fresh fruits, 20% of fresh vegetables, and 80% of seafood.

The analysis, which used data from the US Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of Economic Analysis at the US Dept of Commerce, also established the top edible product produced in each state, based on gross monetary value. Beef and poultry/eggs dominate the country, with beef the top product in 14 states, while  eggs and poultry dominate in 10 states. Dairy dominates in 12 states, and corn dominates in four.

Interestingly, apples are the top product in Washington, blueberries in New Jersey, cranberries in Massachusetts, potatoes in Maine, and aquaculture in Alaska and Hawaii.

The top five states for combined crop and livestock production are:

  1. California:             $25.6 bn in crops + $12.2 bn in livestock for a total of $37.9 bn
  2. Iowa:                      $17.1 bn in crops + $13.4 bn in livestock for a total of $30.6 bn
  3. Nebraska:              $10.8 bn in crops + $11.6 bn in livestock for a total of $22.4 bn
  4. Texas:                    $3.7 bn in crops + $18.0 bn in livestock for a total of $21.7 bn
  5. Minnesota:            $12.7 bn in crops + $7.4 bn in livestock for a total of $20.1 bn

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