Canadian pork industry assess ASF preparations


Pork producers in Canada have examined the country’s readiness to deal with an outbreak of African Swine Fever.

During the latest Canadian Pork Council (CPC) members’ meeting, African Swine Fever was a major focus for the group. It examined the response of the industry following an outbreak of African Swine Fever with a review of the collaborative work being done across the government agencies and industry groups to prepare for such an eventuality. Producers, representatives from provincial pork organizations, governments and industry stakeholders then broke out into groups for a table-top exercise that simulated an outbreak in Canada. Participants were asked to consider the need for information and flow of communications.

The meeting also looked at possible solutions to manage a potential surplus of animals that would arise should a foreign animal disease in Canada result in the closure of export markets.

“Animal health is vital to a strong pork industry in Canada and animal disease is a possibility that we have to contend with,” said CPC chair Rick Bergmann. “The pork industry and its government partners are working in close collaboration not only to prevent such an eventuality but also prepare for a disease outbreak.”

Japanese growth

The meeting also celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the opening of a marketing office in Japan by Canada Pork International. Since the establishment of the Japanese office, Canadian pork exports to Japan have increased from $865,242,644 in 2009 to $1,275,348,152 in 2018.

Senior appointment

The board of directors of Canada Pork International (CPI) announced the appointment of Trevor Sears as the organization’s president and CEO. Employed by Maple Leaf Foods for more than 25 years, most recently as global director of sales and marketing, he has extensive knowledge of the Canadian pork industry—both in Canada and overseas. Sears has also been an active executive member of the CPI board of directors for several years.

“The Board is truly delighted to welcome Trevor to lead the CPI team,” said Neil Ketilson, chair of the CPI board of directors. “His experience within the pork industry as well as his familiarity with CPI means he will be able to ‘hit the ground running’ and immediately start work to carry out CPI priorities.”