Chewing the fat: Navigating the healthy fats minefield


Fats are often classed into good, bad and ugly categories. But do we know for sure which are which?

Is the science changing on saturated fats? Is whole milk a better choice, or should we stick to low fat dairy? Is coconut oil as healthy as some marketers make out, and is the demand for all-things-avocado showing any signs of slowing down? How do consumers decide which cooking oil to buy? Is the pressure off to reduce fat now all eyes are on added sugar?

We bring together manufacturers, trend-watchers and nutrition experts to get the skinny on fat…


Melissa Abbott
Melissa Abbott
Vice President, Retainer Services
Hartman Group
Jenna A. Bell, PhD, RD
Jenna A. Bell, PhD, RD
Senior vice president, Director of food & wellness
Pollock Communications
Molly Hjelm
Molly Hjelm
VP marketing
Tom Sanders, DSc
Tom Sanders, DSc
Professor of nutrition and dietetics
King's College, London
Elaine Watson
Elaine Watson

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