
Every kind of food industry progress must be sustainable: DNV expert

Every kind of food industry progress must be sustainable: DNV expert

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Sustainability in food supply chains is likely to become crucial to the food industry as the global population expands – and it is also central for companies’ long term financial health, according to Stefano Crea, global director of food and beverage...

Low fat trend continues to grow fat replacer sales, says GIA

Low fat trend continues to grow fat replacer sales, says GIA

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The US market for fat replacer ingredients continues to grow on the back of consumer health concerns about fatty foods, demand for enhanced flavors and textures, and processing advantages for manufacturers, according to a new report from Global Industry...

Picture Copyright: Beau Maes

Caramel cancer claims against Coke, Pepsi seek to scare Americans, ABA

By Ben Bouckley

The American Beverage Association (ABA) has accused the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) of scaremongering after the watchdog warned yesterday that Coke, Pepsi and the FDA were ‘needlessly exposing’ millions of consumers to a known animal...

Authenticity is key for ethnic foods, says Mintel

Authenticity is key for ethnic foods, says Mintel

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Authenticity is the most important attribute for consumers who eat ethnic foods, as greater availability has led to stronger demand for ‘the real thing’, according to new research from Mintel.

Online grocery shopping on the rise: Survey

Online grocery shopping on the rise: Survey

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Shoppers increasingly are looking to the internet for better deals on foods and beverages, according to a new survey from the Integer group and M/A/R/C Research.

Bread contributes most sodium to US diets, finds CDC

Bread contributes most sodium to US diets, finds CDC

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Nine out of ten Americans eat too much sodium, and bread and rolls are the biggest problem, rather than salty snacks, according to the latest Vital Signs report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

How to feed the world by 2050?

Dispatches from Feeding the World conference in Geneva

'It shouldn't all boil down to yield,' says food systems activist in call to action

By Shane Starling

How to tackle obesity and hunger remains a two-pronged challenge for the agri-food industry, but increasing crop yield is not the answer - instead the focus should be on boosting the nutritional value of crops, claims a sustainable food systems activist.

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