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ADM: Earth-Minded, People Focused

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ADM: Earth-Minded, People Focused

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ADM’s continuing sustainability initiatives yield measurable results, allowing your food products to tell a captivating story.

Unvarnished truth:  if your natural, healthy product does not contribute to the wellness of the planet or society through sustainable practices, it may languish in the market.

According to new research by Nielsen IQ, 30% of U.S. consumers stated they are more likely to buy products that are proven sustainable, while 64% would pay higher prices for products that help sustain communities and vulnerable populations.

ADM, a global pioneer in versatile nutrition solutions, can help your products distinguish themselves in the market through its commitments to investing in expanding regenerative and sustainable agricultural practices and social responsibility. When CPG brands partner with ADM, they benefit from its scale, supplier relationships, and on-the-ground partnerships – end-to-end connectivity -- that achieve measurable progress in sustainability and societal improvements.

The success of its sustainable initiatives has garnered ADM a prestigious recognition – it was ranked 27th​ on Fortune’s​ 2021 Change the World list a global ranking of 50 companies that are making indelible social impacts through its business practices and ethical core corporate mission.

With a globally integrated supply chain that is designed to connect customers and farmers, ADM can add value at multiple stages. For example, ADM can help you embed elements of sustainable sourcing into your products, or by creating efficiencies by working with one partner instead of connecting with numerous partners as your journey to achieve your sustainability goals.

ADM is creating sustainable solutions on a global scale and is continuing to scale up its efforts to meet the continually burgeoning needs of global populations for the long-term, while simultaneously providing its customers with the distinguishable edge needed to fulfill heightened stakeholder demands, shifting attitudes and environmental/climate challenges.

ADM has undertaken a mapping exercise to determine which SDGs align with our business objectives and in turn, allow us to make the greatest contribution toward achievement. Specifically, we are focusing our efforts toward Zero Hunger, Clean Water and Sanitation, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Climate Action, and Life On Land.

The objectives are driven by a set of beliefs that engage every stakeholder from the grower to the consumer. ADM believes:

  • that food is fundamental to quality of life and good health and expanding access to nutrition is a fundamental piece of how we fulfill our brand promise
  • that sustainability is a global imperative, and we approach it with a global perspective backed by unmatched global capability and that it requires a holistic view
  • in taking action for climate change, by integrating sustainable practices into every facet of our global operations to minimize our footprint worldwide
  • expanding inclusive access to global nutrition, helping people and communities to thrive in a zero-hunger future
  • in partnering with farming communities, empowering them to enrich their livelihoods

ADM’s US flour milling network is now net carbon neutral. ADM Milling & Baking Solutions carbon-neutral milling network is an industry first in US flour milling for our brand partners to differentiate themselves and also to reduce supply chain emissions.

ADM’s Strides Encourage On-Target Product Development

Your sustainable product begins on the farm, where ADM’s teams work closely with a global network of agronomy experts and suppliers to advance sustainable practices to improve yields, conserve water, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In 2020, ADM surpassed 13 million acres it supported through sustainable farming programs. It has more than 125,000 acres of supply chain involved in regenerative agriculture initiatives. ADM’s massive supply chain includes farmers, producers and processors of soy, corn, wheat, peanuts, vanilla, mint, citrus, botanicals, colors and specialty ingredients.

Under ADM’s leadership, farmers and growers are taught how to implement cover crops and other regenerative agricultural practices resulting in measurable environmental improvements. ADM has created a system of shared value across its value chain; for example, practices benefit farmers and also reduce ADM’s and our customers’ Scope 3 emissions.

In March, 2021, ADM launched a new policy with ambitious new goals, including achieving full traceability of its direct and indirect soybean sourcing in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina by the end of this year, and aiming for deforestation-free supply chains worldwide by 2030. Through diligent efforts, we have achieved the traceability targets early, and have increased the ambition of our deforestation-free target to 2025.

ADM is continuing efforts toward achieving its ambitious Strive 35 Plan to lessen the environmental impact of its processing operations by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste, as well as shrinking its water and energy intensities by 2035. In tandem, ADM is improving efficiencies of its facilities and vehicles, innovating alternative uses for waste, and sequestering carbon at its onsite capture and storage facility. Further, ADM is launching new concepts and technologies such as the use of ADM trucks and biodiesel to pilot innovative B100 technology.

Inclusivity of global food security is built on transparent sustainable practices with measurable results that the consumer can trust. ADM can help you achieve your – and the consumers’ – goals of nutritional enrichment and environmental stewardship for years to come.

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