Prepared foods

Combining natural extracts that promote weight-loss in cereals holds opportunities, says Datamonitor


Green tea cereal: The next big nutritional punch at breakfast

By Kacey Culliney

Green tea has migrated from hot drinks into other foods over the years but has particular promise in breakfast cereal where manufacturers can pack nutritional punch into weight-loss products, says a Datamonitor researcher.

Beyond meat substitutes: What’s hot in vegetarian food?

Special Edition: Plant-based diets

Beyond meat substitutes: What’s hot in vegetarian food?


Vegetarians aren’t necessarily looking for alternative proteins or meat analogues, and makers of meat-free meals are embracing a range of trendy flavours and ingredients, says Classic Cuisine’s new product development manager Paul Hunt.

Step aside soy!  We’re having neatballs for dinner…

Special edition: Plant-based diets

Step aside soy! We’re having neatballs for dinner…

By Elaine WATSON

“This isn't meat,” said Phil Lapp’s nine-year-old daughter Morgan after wolfing down some home-made meat-free tacos one evening in 2011. “This is neat”.

Malaysian: The next big flavor trend?

Malaysian: The next big flavor trend?

By Maggie Hennessy

US consumers are now well-versed in many of the ingredients and flavor combinations of Southeast Asia and India, though Malaysian cuisine is still largely untapped. But a recent survey of 1,200 chefs by the National Restaurant Association listed Malaysian...

Plant-based diets: The rise and rise of flexitarian eating

Special Edition: Plant-based diets

Plant-based diets: The rise and rise of flexitarian eating


Meat reduction – or ‘flexitarian’ eating – is on the rise. In this special edition article, FoodNavigator asks why are consumers reducing meat, and how prevalent is the trend?

General Mills seeks to patent low-cal pasta dough

General Mills seeks to patent low-cal pasta dough

By Maggie Hennessy

Flour is typically one of the main ingredients in dough- or batter-based foods and often a major contributor to overall calorie content. In a patent application published Dec. 5, 2013, General Mills outlines the composition of a dough-based food product...

Stevia has seen a rapid rise in its market share

Sugar concerns spark market gains for sweeteners


The market for high intensity sweeteners is growing rapidly, with plant-derived stevia providing the fastest growth, according to a new report from Mintel and Leatherhead Food Research.

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