Health, wellness & nutrition

Source: Whole Grains Council

Whole Grains Council's Oldways Whole Grains: Breaking Barriers Conference

Sampling and positive messages in ads boost sales of whole grain products

By Elizabeth Crawford

The “best” way to change consumers’ long-held perception that whole grain products taste “like cardboard” and to spur sales is to give consumers a risk-free chance to try the products and use positive, educational marketing, food manufacturers said. 

Source: Whole Grains Council

Oldways Whole Grains Breaking Barriers Conference

Smartphone use among 5 key trends driving interest in healthy eating

By Elizabeth Crawford

Unprecedented access to information about foods through smart phones and social media is a driving factor in consumers’ increasing interest in healthy eating, according to a leading food culture researcher.

“A congress like this is a stimulus for organisations to reassess recommendations...”

Academic: "Anybody who thinks the world’s malnutrition problems are going to be solved without industry is dreaming."

Time for a vitamin E intake rethink? Emerging data builds argument

By Shane Starling from the 3rd World Congress of Public Health Nutrition in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria

Emerging research linking vitamin E deficiency with increased risk of Alzheimer’s, miscarriages and fatty liver disease can contribute to an ongoing debate around recommended intakes, a nutrition congress was told yesterday.

Whole Foods ups sustainability ante with new ad campaign

Whole Foods ups sustainability ante with new ad campaign

By Hank Schultz

Whole Foods Markets has decided to go big, with a national TV ad campaign that kicked off during a recent World Series game.  The message is one of “values,” talking about the natural grocery store chain’s commitment to sustainability and transparency.

Sprouted seeds! The meteoric rise of Way Better Snacks

Consumers want to see what you are putting into the product as well as what isn’t in there

The meteoric rise of Way Better Snacks: ‘All-natural’ is all very well, but what really matters is nutrient density

By Elaine Watson

With revenues going from zero to “north of $20m” in three years, the growth of Way Better Snacks has been nothing short of meteoric. But while great branding, its focus on ‘sprouted’ seeds and the CPG experience of its founder & CEO Jim Breen have...

Sugar-sweetened beverages do not easily fit within a healthy diet, says Anderson

Food industry must slash sugar – not just tinker


Food industry ‘tinkering’ with sugar content while foods and drinks remain relatively high in sugar may detract from more basic sugar reduction strategies, warns a public health expert.

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