Labeling, marketing & advertising


From AI flavors to RTD alcohol: Coca-Cola talks innovation

By Rachel Arthur

Once a soda giant, Coca-Cola has evolved its portfolio into categories that would once have been unimaginable for company (take, for example, RTD alcohol or AI-generated flavors). So how does the company steer its innovation efforts towards success?

© oatawa | Getty Images

Digital trends: Women's health tops the charts

By Nikki Hancocks

A 2024 food trends report from Tastewise informs that women’s health concerns have topped the online conversation charts in the last 12 months, with hormone health top of consumer health agendas.

NutraCast: Are energy drinks under attack? FoodChain ID weighs in

NutraCast: Are energy drinks under attack? FoodChain ID weighs in

By Danielle Masterson

As caffeine content in energy drinks climbs to new heights, some countries and retailers are banning the products or imposing age restrictions. In the US and UK, there are no national regulations that ban the sale of highly-caffeinated energy drinks,...

Source: Getty/Tara Moore

News in Brief

Delay in organic animal welfare standards recalls rule’s long journey

By Elizabeth Crawford

The hard-fought and long-awaited Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards final rule has been delayed, yet again, and while the change is “minor” and due to a technicality, it recalls the many other delays and near-deaths the rule has endured since work...

Image source: Getty/Shannon Toth

How newstalgia blends comfort and novelty in the snack category

By Deniz Ataman

Consumers still crave familiar flavors and experiences, as they did during the pandemic, but they also are open to new innovations and technologies -- leading to an emerging trend of 'newstalgia,' Kevin Ryan, CEO, Malachite Strategy and Research,...

Getty Images / Gocman

Olipop gets prebiotic verified via NutraStrong certification

By Claudia Adrien

Olipop is the first beverage to join the NutraStrong prebiotic verified product certification, which is administered by SGS Nutrasource Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Services. The new program was developed in collaboration between the Global Prebiotics...

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