Labeling, marketing & advertising

Whole Foods under fire over 'all-natural' labels in new class action lawsuit

Whole Foods' labels are misleading, deceptive, unfair and fraudulent, alleges lawsuit

Whole Foods targeted in new lawsuit over 'all-natural' claims

By Elaine Watson

Whole Foods Market has been targeted in another class action lawsuit alleging that products it labels as ‘all-natural’ are misbranded because they contain “artificial ingredients and flavorings, artificial coloring and chemical preservatives”. 

Mexico restricts junk food ads; time for rethink on advertising?

The RD's perspective

Mexico restricts junk food ads; time for rethink on advertising?

By Maggie Hennessy

Mexico announced last week that it was restricting television advertising on high-calorie food and soda in an effort to stem the rising tide of obesity. Registered dietitians weigh in on the impact of the measure, which is the farthest any country has...

Reasonable consumers might assume that this product contains primarily cranberry and pomegranate juice, say the plaintiffs. It doesn't.

Walmart cranberry pomegranate juice is mostly grape & apple juice, says lawsuit

Walmart sued over juice labels; echoes of POM Wonderful v Coke?

By Elaine Watson

Six weeks after the Supreme Court gave POM Wonderful the green light to sue Coca-Cola over its juice labels, Walmart has been targeted in a consumer class action lawsuit making near-identical allegations.

Professor David Kessler says the FDA needs to look beyond the Nutrition Facts label

Proposals don't consider a product's overall nutritional value, says professor

Former FDA commissioner: Nutrition Facts overhaul doesn’t go far enough

By Elaine Watson

FDA proposals to overhaul the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels are “strong” and “likely to make an important contribution”, says former FDA commissioner David Kessler, M.D. “But I believe they don't go far enough.”

Sustained energy driving market growth: Mintel

Insights from IFT 2014

The sky’s the limit for malleable energy category: Mintel

By Maggie Hennessy

The concept of “energy” is a multifaceted one, to be sure: it can come in bursts or slowly; via beverages, shots, biscuits or bars; with appeal that spans sports nutrition, weight management and even kids. 

What makes us fear food?

What makes us fear food?

By Maggie Hennessy

More and more consumers rely on the internet for their news, and stories can go viral within minutes, so it’s unsurprising that certain food ingredients have become the subject of fear and avoidance in this information age. 

Time for a rethink on saturated fat?

Special edition: Oils & fats

Time for a rethink on saturated fat?

By Elaine Watson

If the cover of TIME magazine earlier this month (headline: Eat Butter) is anything to go by, it would seem that the conversation about fat, and saturated fat in particular, is changing, at least in the media. But are policymakers sitting up and taking...

Bloomberg’s big soda cap is dead

Bloomberg’s big soda cap is dead

By Maggie Hennessy

New York’s highest court has refused to reinstate New York City’s controversial limit on the sale of large sugary beverages, effectively killing the city’s final appeal. 

Is your product ready for nutrition label changes?

Insights from IFT 2014

Is your product ready for nutrition label changes?

By Maggie Hennessy

Food and beverage manufacturers are holding their collective breath in anticipation of the proposed changes to the Nutrition Facts panel put forth by the Food and Drug Administration and likely to be finalized next year. 

IFT 2014: Chefs! Is it time to proudly serve GMOs on your table?

IFT 2014: Chefs! Is it time to proudly serve GMOs on your table?

By Elaine Watson

You'd think that pro-science,'molecular gastronomists' such as Chef Homaru Cantu would be all in favor of genetically engineered foods, especially if they can add nutrition, or reduce the environmental impact of food production, right?...

Progress on PHOs and why saturated fat is still bad: Bunge

Special edition: Oils & Fats

Progress on PHOs and why saturated fat is still bad: Bunge

By Maggie Hennessy

The packaged food industry has removed roughly three-quarters of the 8 billion pounds of partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs) that abounded in the marketplace at the heyday of trans fats in 2004-‘05, though a few problem areas and holdouts remain—particularly...

Protein, sugar and hybrid products: Innova teases IFT agenda

Trendspotting from Innova Market Insights

Protein, sugar and hybrid products: Innova teases IFT agenda

By Maggie Hennessy

Can anything top protein? What’s a “silver consumer” and why should we care? Would salty caramel work in a soft drink? Innova Market Insights teased a very full agenda of trendwatching presentations at next week’s Institute of Food Technologists’ (IFT)...

FMI Hartman Group grocery shopping trends

Grocery shopping in 2014: diversified and fragmented, says FMI

By Maggie Hennessy

Not only are today's consumers less likely to rely on a primary store for food shopping, but they're sharing shopping duties and planning for specific meals rather than stocking up on food, according to the Food Marketing Institute (FMI)’s annual...

‘Elaborate con!’ CSPI threat to sue Campbell's on V8 juice marketing


‘An elaborate con!’ CSPI threatens to sue Campbell's over V8 juice marketing


The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) today threatened to sue Campbell's Soup Company alleging that it makes misleading statements about the juice content, nutritional value and healthfulness of V8 juices sold in the US.

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