Archives for August 23, 2004

← 2004

Growth in lupin flour hampered by allergen shadow?

Earmarked as the next major competitor to soybean as a high protein source, lupin flour, a food ingredient used in pasta and bread products, has attracted attention from food safety officials in Australia following reports of severe allergic reactions.

Food scientist queries organic food benefits

Organic food is not necessarily better for our health than conventional equivalents, say food scientists speaking at a meeting of the world's largest science society this week in the US.

European authority sets safety levels for boron

The European Food Safety Agency has established a safe level for the mineral boron, despite the fact that it is not included on the list of nutrients permitted in food supplements under the new directive.

Chitosan fails to reduce kilos, finds study

Taking a daily chitosan supplement had little effect on weight loss in a new study on obese volunteers, a finding that challenges previous research showing that the fibre could help people lose weight.