Archives for November 22, 2004

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Hydrocolloids' prices continue to climb

Food makers can expect to see the price of hydrocolloids continue to move upwards as suppliers, knocked by squeezed commodity supplies coupled with higher energy and transport costs, pass rises onto the market.

Fair trade coffee sales grow in the US

The last two years have seen a significant increase in businesses using fair trade coffee, but Philippa Nuttall asks whether the US is really serious about ethical food ingredients.

ISP price hike for food-grade hydrocolloids

Food makers can expect to see the price of hydrocolloids continue to move upwards as suppliers, knocked by squeezed commodity supplies coupled with higher energy and transport costs, pass rises onto the market.

New way to control E.coli in fermented sausages

New techniques to minimise the risk of harmful food pathogen E. coli in fermented dry sausages could be on the way as scientists find acidic conditions encountered during the digestive process may not be enough to inactivate some harmful bacteria say...