Archives for June 7, 2005

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Ingredients business news

Ingredients companies including Cargill and Chr Hansen are expanding facilities and picking up acquisitions in order to meet growing global demand, writes Anthony Fletcher.

Dairy fat not linked to weight gain, new study

In a new extensive study set to fuel the ongoing debate about the health benefits of milk, researchers find dietary calcium and skimmed milk are linked to weight gain, while dairy fat is not.

Stallman challenges sugar industry over CAFTA

American Farm Bureau Federation president Bob Stallman agues that the sugar industry is wrong to oppose the ratification of the Central American Free Trade Agreement, writes Anthony Fletcher.

Australian drought threatens wheat supply

Australia, the world's second largest wheat exporter, may be facing up to a 30 per cent fall in its grain production this year, says a report released yesterday by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economies (ABARE), writes Lorraine...