Archives for February 8, 2006

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DSM targets China with new flavour technology

By  Anthony Fletcher

DSM's development of a patented new flavour technology in China illustrates how increasingly important this region is becoming to European flavour firms.

Low fat diet 'has no effect on heart risk'

By  Stephen Daniells

Eating less fat and more fruit and vegetables has no effect on the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), claims a long-term dietary intervention study claimed to be the largest ever conducted - a conclusion that is inconsistent with earlier research.

Innovation drive hits Coca-Cola profits

By  Chris Mercer

Coca-Cola saw profits tumble by more than a quarter in the last three months of 2005, underlining the challenges that still lie ahead for the soft drinks firm in 2006.

Abnormal hormone may contribute to obesity, study

By  Lorraine Heller

New research reveals that an abnormal brain hormone may increase the risk of obesity, findings the scientists say could lead to the development of a drug to treat certain cases of obesity.