Archives for May 22, 2006

← 2006

Slow growth forecast for meat production, consumption

By  staff reporter

US red meat and poultry production in 2007 is projected to grow at a considerably slower rate than expected this year, while consumption is expected to increase marginally, according to an agriculture department forecast.

Dairy weight-loss claims get Paris Anti-Obesity boost

By  Stephen Daniells in Paris

The debate about dairy consumption boosting weight loss got a massive fillip at the Paris Anti-Obesity Therapies congress, but natural product-based dietary supplements don't help weight loss said experts.

FSA proposes new Sunset Yellow food colour standards

By  staff reporter

The UK's Food Standards Agency is seeking views and comments on proposed amendments to European colour regulations covering Sunset Yellow FCF (E 110) and Titanium Dioxide (E 171).

FDA confirms barley/heart health claim

By  staff reporter

The FDA has confirmed the qualified health claim linking whole grain barley to a reduced risk of coronary heart disease, which could help raise awareness of the grain amongst heart health-conscious consumers.