Archives for August 22, 2006

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FDA approves viruses as food additive for meats

By  Stephen Daniells

The Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of 'bacteria eating' viruses as food additives in ready-to-eat meat and poultry to protect against Listeria, and offer the industry an interesting alternative.

India rejects soft drink pesticides claims

By  staff reporter

India's Health Ministry has rejected a campaigns group study that found Coca-Cola and PepsiCo soft drinks containing pesticide residues an average 24 times above the proposed maximum limit.

Flavonoid-rich GM tomatoes could boost heart health

By  Stephen Daniells

Tomatoes genetically modified to have high flavonoid content could reduce the levels of a protein in a mouse that is associated with inflammation, diabetes and heart disease in humans, says a study by BASF, TNO and two universities in Holland and Germany.