Archives for September 23, 2007

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Kraft launches toasted butter flavor

By  Lorraine Heller

Kraft Food Ingredients has introduced a new toasted butter flavor, which the firm says can be used in a range of applications to achieve a butter taste without the caloric content.

Nutraceuticals could bridge gap in healthy snacks

By  Clarisse Douaud

More than 20 percent of American consumers indicate they are now seeking healthier snacking options, according to Datamonitor - spelling opportunity for healthy ingredient manufacturers.

Palsgaard counters milk costs for ice-cream makers

By  Jess Halliday

Palsgaard is the latest company to develop an ingredient solution that reduces the need for expensive commodities, with an emulsifier-stabiliser technology that calls for less milk solids in ice-cream.

CLA isomers show promise against colon cancer - study

By  Stephen Daniells

Isomers of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) may stop the spread of colon cancer, suggests a new study from Korea that adds important new data to our understanding of the ingredient.