All news articles for April 27, 2015

SVP confident axing aspartame will bring consumers back to Diet Pepsi

'We’re confident that with this change, consumers will come back into the Diet Pepsi franchise'

Pepsi exec: Aspartame is the #1 reason why US consumers say they are drinking less diet cola

By Elaine Watson

To those arguing that replacing one artificial sweetener (aspartame) with another (sucralose) won’t arrest flagging sales of Diet Pepsi, PepsiCo SVP Seth Kaufman told FoodNavigator-USA that consumer research had singled out aspartame – rather that artificial...

Sustainability generates substantial cost savings for Stonyfield Farm

organic and non-gmo trends

Sustainability generates substantial cost savings for Stonyfield Farm

By Elizabeth Crawford

Stonyfield Farm’s wide-ranging and forward-looking sustainability initiatives launched in the last decade have helped the firm save more than the environment – they also saved the organic yogurt maker more than $31 million in costs. 

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