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A study has found that almost 15% of hot dogs contain products other than those listed on the ingredients

Human DNA found in hot dogs

By Chloe Ryan

Nearly 15% of American hot dogs and sausages are contaminated with products other than those listed on the ingredients, including other types of meat and human DNA, analysis of the most popular brands has discovered. 

Sun Basket poised for growth in meal-kit-delivery market

Sun Basket poised for growth in burgeoning meal-kit-delivery market

By Elaine Watson

Stressed, time poor and short of culinary inspiration, but feeling guilty about ordering pizza again? Sun Basket – the latest entrant to the burgeoning home meal delivery market – gives you the tools to cook restaurant-quality meals at home, without having...

Hakim Zemni believes educating customers is bakery's biggest challenge.


Customization essential to innovation in bakery

By Hal Conick

Customization is the key to giving consumers what they want to see from the bakery industry, according to one industry consultant.

Kellogg reportedly mulling $1.5bn deal to buy Diamond Foods

Kellogg reportedly mulling $1.5bn deal to buy Diamond Foods

By Elaine WATSON

Kellogg is reportedly in talks to buy Kettle Chips and Emerald nuts maker Diamond Foods in a deal that could be valued at around $1.5bn and further increase Kellogg’s presence in the snacking category as the ready-to-eat cereals market continues to struggle.

The WHO is believed to have put consuming processed meat on a par with smoking cigarettes in terms of carcinogenic effect

WHO report claims processed meat cancer link

By Chloe Ryan

Processed meat could be classified as a cancer risk as big as cigarettes, in a new report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) due to be published on Monday.

China offers great potential for US pork

US pork envoy visits China

By Chloe Ryan

A delegation of US pork industry leaders has travelled to China on a trade mission to learn how to improve trade and build relationships between producers, importers and processing companies. 

Karma Baker: Dairy-free, egg-free, gluten-free… and delicious

Karma Baker: Dairy-free, egg-free, gluten-free… and delicious

By Elaine Watson

If you’re going to launch a gourmet organic, vegan and gluten-free bakery business, L.A. is probably the place to do it, acknowledges Karma Baker’s founder Celine Ikeler. But if you plan to stick around, you’ve got to make products that will appeal to...

“We eventually found a natural flavour that masked both the after taste of the moringa and the after taste of the stevia.

UK Moringa-based beauty drink overcomes 'horrible' taste

By Louise Reid

A herbal nutricosmetic drink is being launched in the UK utilising the amino acid-rich Himalyan herb, Moringa oleifeira, with the company involved saying it has overcome the 'horrible' taste of moringa.

“We think there could be bigger impacts from getting a handle on promotions and (...) the deep, consistent advertising our children are exposed to on unhealthy foods,” Tedstone said.

Public Health England tells UK government: Sugar taxes do work

By Niamh Michail

All the evidence shows that sugar taxes decrease purchases and curb obesity– but restricting price promotions and junkfood advertising could have an even bigger impact, concludes Public Health England's report to the UK government.

Healthy Brand Builders'President James Tonkin and The Coca-Cola Company's Rebecca Messina and Matthew Mitchell at SupplySide West.

SupplySide West 2015

Three keys for building a $1 billion brand

By Elizabeth Crawford

Only a small fraction of food and beverage brands launched each year survive, let alone reach the $1 billion in sales mark – but those that do have three main factors in common, according to brand and strategy developers at The Coca-Cola Company.

GOED exec on national campaigns, health claims, and El Niño

GOED exec on national campaigns, health claims, and El Niño

By Stephen Daniells

A positive decision from the FDA on a qualified health claim for omega-3s and blood pressure would be “further justification that EPA and DHA are good for your heart”, says Adam Ismail, Executive Director of GOED.

Totalling $1.6 billion in 2014, Japan is the United States' top export market for beef

US benefits of TPP revealed

By Chloe Ryan

Documents describing the specific financial benefits to US meat traders of the trans-pacific partnership (TPP) have been published by the department of agriculture (USDA).

Explosive growth for That's It bars as snackers seek simplicity

That's it enjoys explosive growth as snackers seek simplicity

By Elaine Watson

When Dr Lior Lewensztain first started pitching That’s it fruit bars to retailers, pretty much everyone he talked to wanted in. Three and a half years later he is in tens of thousands of locations nationwide from Starbucks to 7-Eleven, and sales are still...

US gluten-free market in 100s of millions, not billions, says Schär

60-second interview: Robert Cruz, director marketing, Dr Schär USA Inc

Where next for gluten-free, and what’s the real size of the prize?

By Elaine Watson

The #1 gluten-free brand in Europe, Schär entered the US market in 2007 and set up a manufacturing facility in New Jersey in 2012, and is now the #2 player in the US gluten-free bread market behind Udi’s Gluten-Free. FoodNavigator-USA (FNU) caught up...

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