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Is there such thing as the 'Latino' consumer?

Is there such thing as the 'Latino' consumer?

By Elaine WATSON

According to the Census Bureau, the Latino population is the fastest-growing demographic group in the US. But is there such thing as the ‘Latino consumer’?

What nutrition information are restaurant goers looking for?

What nutrition information are restaurant goers looking for?

By Elaine Watson

While four out of 10 consumers say they are trying to avoid or reduce intakes of certain fats and oils, cholesterol, sodium and sugar, only one in 10 actually looks for this kind of information on menus when dining out, according to NPD Group.  

Study unlocks benefits of walnut for heart health

Study unlocks benefits of walnut for heart health

By Stephen Daniells

The heart health benefits of walnuts may be linked to different parts of the nuts acting on different physiological functions, says new data in the Journal of Nutrition.

Indonesian cocoa grindings are rising fast and are the main driver behind a spike in origin processing

Cocoa processing migrating to origin, says ADM

By Oliver Nieburg

Cocoa processing is increasingly moving to origin countries, particularly those in regions where chocolate consumption is rising such as Brazil and Indonesia, according to ADM Cocoa’s head of innovation.

Meat processors ask for country-of-origin labelling delay

US meat groups ask for COOL delay

By Flemmich Webb

The American Meat Institute, together with seven other meat, poultry and retail associations, has asked for the implementation of the proposed country-of-origin labelling (COOL) rule to be delayed until the World Trade Organisation (WTO) determines whether...

Looking for a low sodium snack? Try salted peanuts

Looking for the perfect low sodium snack? Try salted peanuts…

By Elaine WATSON

While health-conscious consumers are increasingly sprinkling almonds, walnuts and other more ‘upmarket’ (and expensive) nuts on their oatmeal or Greek yogurt for a nutritional boost; peanuts - especially the salted, oil-roasted, variety - do not bask...

Cocoa must come from a certified source for a chocolate confectionery to be carry a Fair Trade USA logo, but the sugar does not - unlike Fairtrade International rules. Photo Credit: WCF

Fair Trade USA: Draft policy changes no hoax

By Oliver Nieburg

Fair Trade USA claims that draft changes to its labeling policy allowing brands with 20% certified ingredients to carry its logo are justified in composite products like chocolate because components like sugar are mainly sourced domestically in the US...

Thompson Brands: Novelty chocolate doesn’t have to be cheap & nasty

Big Interview: Gene Dunkin, CEO Thompson Brands

Thompson Brands CEO: Novelty chocolate doesn’t have to be cheap and nasty

By Elaine Watson

Founded in the same year that Edison created the first functioning light bulb, Thompson Brands is one of America’s oldest chocolate companies. But it hasn’t stayed in business this long by resting on its laurels, CEO Gene Dunkin tells Elaine Watson.

Meat processor Maple Leaf has reported plunging profits

Profits plummet at Maple Leaf

By Carina Perkins

Currency fluctuations and the US drought are being blamed for a dramatic drop in earnings at Canadian meat processor Maple Leaf Foods.

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