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‘Inflationary pressures have reached their worst’: USDA economist

Special edition: Dealing with higher commodity costs

‘Inflationary pressures have reached their worst’: USDA economist

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

“I think it’s safe to say that inflationary pressures have reached their worst,” claims research economist Ricky Volpe of the USDA’s Economic Research Service, in an interview with FoodNavigator-USA.

GLG denies allegations, shares fall to new low

GLG denies allegations, shares fall to new low

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Stevia supplier GLG Life Tech has denied that it failed to disclose certain information required under federal securities laws, after a New York-based national law firm announced it was investigating the company’s statements to shareholders.

Local and organic logos influence women more than men, study suggests

Local and organic logos influence women more than men, study suggests

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Local and organic certification labels may increase the likelihood that women will purchase a product, as well as their willingness to pay a premium – but men are less likely to be influenced by logos, according to a study published in HortScience.

Richard Smucker: 'Most commodity costs appear to have peaked in early fall and have retreated modestly in the past couple of months'

Special edition: Dealing with higher commodity costs

Hedging your bets: What will cost inflation look like in 2012?

By Elaine Watson

Raise prices to offset cost inflation, and you can expect to take a volume hit. But if all your rivals are ratcheting up prices too, at least you’re all in the same boat, right?

Can Morrison reheat Campbell's lukewarm soup sales?

Campbell Soup beats estimate, but profit falls

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Campbell Soup Company has reported a 5% drop in net earnings in the first quarter as soup demand continues to fall in the United States, although the company is beginning to see the first fruits of a turnaround program.

How strong is your brand?

Special edition: Dealing with higher commodity costs

Weathering the commodity price storm: Winners and losers

By Elaine Watson

“I’m not sure I can give you a prediction on 2012 that will really mean anything”, responded Coca-Cola’s chief financial officer Gary Fayard when asked by an analyst for some ‘color’ on the 2012 outlook for commodity prices last month.

Sugar industry amends complaint against HFCS industry

Sugar industry amends complaint against HFCS industry

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Sugar growers have amended a lawsuit against the Corn Refiners Association (CRA), claiming that some members of the association have conspired to engage in false advertising – an accusation the CRA denies.

Flavor firms take on the ultimate reformulation challenge: Lower cost, same taste

Special edition: Dealing with higher commodity costs

Flavor firms take on the ultimate reformulation challenge: Lower cost, same taste

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

In the midst of volatile commodity costs, it’s not just big grain prices that have put manufacturers under pressure: Sugar, nuts, black pepper, mint and cocoa are also among top concerns – and flavor firms are providing cost-cutting strategies.

He'll grow into them...

Food choice is an illusion, claim Cornell researchers

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The food environment in which most of us live makes it ‘almost impossible’ to lose weight – and willpower is not enough to counter it, according to a new paper published in the journal Public Health Nutrition.

US tree nut prices to remain high, says Rabobank

US tree nut prices to remain high, says Rabobank

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

US tree nut prices are likely to remain high over the next five years on the back of strong demand, both domestically and from export markets, particularly China, according to a new report from Rabobank.

Compromise bill grants FDA $50m boost to implement FSMA

Compromise bill grants FDA $50m boost to implement FSMA

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would be granted an extra $50m of funding for 2012 according to the provisions of a bipartisan compromise bill, some of which would help implement the Food Safety Modernization Act.

Leonard Fuld: 'Competitive intelligence is good analysis wrapped around superb information collection, which in the end results in insight.'

Big interview: Leonard Fuld, founder and president, Fuld & Company

What does a world class competitive intelligence strategy look like?

“War games are about anticipating competitive moves before your rivals make them,” competitive intelligence guru Leonard Fuld tells Elaine Watson. Step one: know your enemy. Step two: prepare for battle …

Ginseng: Too bitter and earthy for US functional food success?

Ginseng: Too bitter and earthy for US functional food success?

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Formulators looking to incorporate ginseng into functional food products should minimize the ingredient’s bitter and earthy flavors in order to succeed on the US market, suggests new research published in the Journal of Sensory Studies.

Study links sugary drink consumption with women’s heart disease risk

Study links sugary drink consumption with women’s heart disease risk

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Women who drink two or more sugary beverages a day may be more likely to develop risk factors for heart disease – regardless of body weight, according to new research due to be presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions on Wednesday.

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