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Dannon opens R&D center to speed yogurt innovation process

Dannon opens R&D center to speed yogurt innovation process

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Dannon has opened a new $9m research and development center at its White Plains, NY headquarters, in order to improve collaboration between departments and bring new products to market more quickly.

Fitness Edge contains juice, skim milk, whey protein and electrolytes

Interview: Mark Gottsacker, president, Global Bottling Partners

Smoothly does it. The secret to success in protein beverages

By Elaine Watson

Protein beverages can have mass market appeal if firms get the formulation right, keep calories down and refocus marketing efforts on the people that are actually drinking their products, rather than the people they think are drinking them, according...

Insect develops resistance to Monsanto’s GM corn

Insect develops resistance to Monsanto’s GM corn

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Western corn rootworms have been consuming genetically modified (GM) crops that have been developed to be resistant to them, raising questions about the longevity of some GM traits, according to a study in the online journal PloS One.

Stevia market share to explode in 2011, says report

Stevia market share to explode in 2011, says report

By Elaine Watson

Use of stevia is predicted to rise at an astonishing rate this year, taking the natural sweetener's share of the total US sugars and sweeteners market from 1.8% in 2010 to 9.1% in 2011, according to Packaged Facts.

Simply Pure: Fine filtered for a 'fresher' taste

Fine filtered milk gets thumbs up in test market

By Elaine Watson

Initial feedback from a trial in Ohio suggests milk fine filtered to remove ‘impurities’ could be a big hit with US consumers, claims Dean Foods subsidiary WhiteWave Foods.

Texture, not flavour, is responsible for the expected satiation of dairy.

Texture not flavour determines satiety, says study

By Nathan Gray

The perceived texture, but not flavour or method of consumption, has a modest but ‘highly consistent’ effect on satiety expectations of dairy products, according to new research.

Industry is ‘doing its part’ to encourage healthy diets, says GMA

Industry is ‘doing its part’ to encourage healthy diets, says GMA

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) has said that industry is doing its part to help consumers build healthy diets, in response to a new research review that criticized trade organizations’ progress on food marketing to children as ‘limited’.

Over one million hectares now produce sustainable palm oil

Sustainable palm oil reaches million hectare mark

By Nathan Gray

The first one million hectares of certified land for sustainable palm production marks ‘a turning point’ for industry, according to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

Dairy prices to soften, says Glanbia

Dairy prices to soften, says Glanbia

By Helen Glaberson

A modest weakening in dairy prices is expected, forecast Glanbia, as the company posted a profit jump in its half year results.

Low-sat fat ice cream gets formulation boost: Study

Low-sat fat ice cream gets formulation boost: Study

By Stephen Daniells

Ice cream formulated with an emulsion containing unsaturated oil showed no differences in melting properties as ice cream made with saturated fat, says a new study offering solutions for ‘healthy’ ice cream.

Supply chain squeezed by higher grain commodity prices

Supply chain squeezed by higher grain commodity prices

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Prices of key grain commodities have been climbing rapidly but so far food manufacturers have absorbed much of the cost, according to an analyst at the USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS).

5-hour Energy accounts for 90% of the energy shots market

5-hour Energy increases grip on energy shots market

By Elaine Watson

5-hour Energy’s grip on the US energy shot market has tightened further in the past year, with the brand now accounting for nine out of every $10 spent in the burgeoning category.

USDA rejects NYC food stamps soda ban

USDA rejects NYC food stamps soda ban

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

US Department of Agriculture (USDA) officials have rejected a proposal from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg that would have banned sugary drinks from the list of products that can be bought with food stamps.

FDA calls for modernization of regulatory science

FDA calls for modernization of regulatory science

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has called for modernization of the science used to develop and evaluate the products it regulates, in a "Strategic Plan for Regulatory Science" document – including in implementation of new food safety...

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