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Tapping into the next generation of food scientists

Tapping into the next generation of food scientists

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Food science student numbers are rising, but how can industry tap into this next generation of enthusiastic professionals? FoodNavigator-USA asked Matt Cael, 2011-2012 president-elect of the IFT Student Association.

Saturated fat reduction is big business. But what is it being replaced with?

Is saturated fat really the dietary bogeyman?

By Elaine Watson

The debate about just how bad saturated fats really are for our health - and whether what we are replacing them with is potentially worse - raged on at the IFT expo earlier this month.

Is healthy food more expensive than junk food?

Is healthy food more expensive than junk food?

By Elaine Watson

New research into food prices shows that unhealthy options are not always more affordable, although the relative cheapness of soft drinks, refined grains and starchy veg vs healthier alternatives means Americans “may have an economic incentive to consume...

Junk TV?

Industry slams call for kids’ junk food ad ban

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Industry bodies have slammed a call from an influential group of doctors to ban junk food advertising in children’s programming, claiming that it is based on outdated research.

The Nutrition Keys prototype

Nutrition Keys is ‘abuse of trust’: NEJM commentary

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The Nutrition Keys front-of-pack labeling system unveiled by the Grocery Manufacturers Association and Food Marketing Institute last year is an industry abuse of trust, claims a new commentary.

Geliko notches up double-digit growth for kosher gelatin

Geliko notches up double-digit growth for kosher gelatin

By Elaine Watson

The New York-based firm that has spearheaded the commercialization of kosher gelatin is seeing strong double-digit sales growth, but says it has barely scratched the surface of the potential market.

Are all protein sources equal for weight management?

Are all protein sources equal for weight management?

By Stephen Daniells

The scientific literature supports a role for high protein diets to boost a feeling of fullness and enhance weight loss, but the source of protein – animal or plant – does not seem to affect the potential benefits, says a new review.

Simplicity trend 'is the future': Marketing expert

Simplicity trend 'is the future': Marketing expert

By Stephen Daniells

The convergence of food and supplements combined with other factors such as convenience is driving the move towards simplicity, a trend that is not only here to stay, but also represents 'the future', says Jeff Hilton from the Integrated Marketing...

Craven: 'It’s not right for a supplier to sell and run'

AAK: If you make palm oil claims you must play by RSPO rules

By Elaine Watson

Food manufacturers are using certified sustainable palm oil in their products – and making claims about it – when they are not members of the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and have not have their facilities RSPO audited and certified, one...

Are we on the cusp of a specialty flours mega-trend?

Are we on the cusp of a specialty flours mega-trend?

By Stephen Daniells in New Orleans

The rise of specialty flours with nutritional and textural functionality is opening doors for food formulators in a range of applications, from bakery to soups, and the potential is impressive, says Corn Products International’s VP of research.

Stevia: Moving beyond the ‘holy grail’ hype

Stevia: Moving beyond the ‘holy grail’ hype

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Hype about the promise of stevia created inflated expectations – but the market has evolved in response, according to stevia supplier PureCircle’s vice president of global marketing Jason Hecker.

Cloned meat divides consumers in US and EU

Cloned meat divides consumers in US and EU

By Nathan Gray

American consumers are more accepting of cloned animal products than their European counterparts, according to new research from Kansas State University.

Quality of nano toxicity data is ‘not great’, says expert

Quality of nano toxicity data is ‘not great’, says expert

By Elaine Watson

The limited nature of many toxicity studies into engineered nanoparticles used in the food and dietary supplements industry makes it very difficult to draw firm conclusions about their safety, according to one expert in the field.

General Mills: Open innovation will move from one-to-one to ‘many-to-many’

Interview, Jeff Bellairs, General Mills

General Mills: Open innovation will move from one-to-one to ‘many-to-many’

By Elaine Watson

The next generation of open innovation projects will move from one-to-one partnerships to ‘many-to-many’ collaborations involving multiple partners in a bid to bring game-changing new products to market more quickly, General Mills has predicted.

Food industry and NASA share mutual goals for enhanced food quality

Dispatches from IFT

Food industry and NASA share mutual goals for enhanced food quality

By Stephen Daniells

The food industry and NASA share mutual goals in producing higher quality, more nutritious foods, and lessons learned on both sides could ultimately help feed astronauts on missions to Mars and beyond, says a scientist working on NASA's advanced...

Functional foods: How to get more bang for your buck

Functional foods: How to get more bang for your buck

Consumers want to get their nutrition from a healthy diet, not from popping pills. But why do so many functional foods tick all the right boxes on paper, but fail miserably on shelf? Elaine Watson caught up with George Pontiakos, chief executive of BI...

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