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CBD in Latin America: What can we expect?

By Natasha Spencer

As Latin American cannabis company Khiron receives approval to expand its hemp CBD brand into Colombia, we look at the markets to watch, opportunities for growth and the steps leading CBD brands are taking to appeal to consumers.

Picture courtesy of Lupii

Former PepsiCo exec bets big on lupini beans with new snack brand

By Elaine Watson

Lupin or lupini beans, which Italians enjoy pickled as a bar snack, are high in protein, high in fiber, and super low in carbohydrates, but are still a novelty this side of the Atlantic, something New York-based startup Lupii hopes to change by showcasing...

Online grocery: Is Walmart giving Amazon a run for its money?

Online grocery: Is Walmart giving Amazon a run for its money?

By Mary Ellen Shoup

More shoppers now report using Walmart, rather than Amazon, for their most recent online grocery shopping experience, according to new research from the Retail Feedback Group. However, Amazon delivered the highest customer satisfaction scores.

Nielsen: Which sustainability attributes matter most to consumers?


Nielsen: Which sustainability attributes matter most to consumers?

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Consumers are increasingly factoring in a product's sustainability attributes into their purchasing behavior and 73% of consumers surveyed by Nielsen say they are willing to change their consumption habits to reduce their environmental impact.

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Growing concerns prompt senators to urge USDA to adopt new hemp rules

By Danielle Masterson

Sparked by proposed US Department of Agriculture regulations that would drastically alter the certification process for industrial hemp, two lawmakers from Oregon want the agency to make several changes before it finalizes rules for the US Domestic Hemp...

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