
Dr David Katz: “Saturated fat has never been exonerated.

Is saturated fat really 'back?' In short, no, argue experts at ICVN 2018

By Elaine Watson

“So the ketogenic diet, sure, it will cause you to lose weight in the short term. So would cholera, or a cocaine binge, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea,” observed Dr David Katz at the 7th International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition (ICVN) this...

Four ‘must-haves’ for a successful online grocery experience

Four ‘must-haves’ for a successful online grocery experience

By Elizabeth Crawford

Consumers are embracing online grocery shopping nearly twice as fast as predicted just a year ago, but there are still significant barriers that retailers must address to maximize their reach across channels, according to new Nielsen data.

Apeel Sciences CEO James Rogers: 'We have a pathway to 4X shelf-life extension across all produce categories'

Apeel Sciences unveils bid to slash fresh produce waste with edipeel plant-based edible skin

Apeel Sciences seeks to slash fresh produce waste with plant-based edible skin: 'We've created this idealized little micro-climate inside of each piece of produce'

By Elaine Watson

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist (or a materials scientist in James Rogers’ case) to work out that if you could quadruple the shelf-life of fresh produce such that you could eliminate the use of fungicides and potentially even refrigerated transport,...

Significant percentage of consumers buy plant-based dairy alternatives because they think they are healthier, reveals Comax study

Significant percentage of consumers buy plant-based dairy alternatives because they think they are healthier, reveals Comax study

Why do consumers buy plant-based dairy alternatives? And what do they think formulators need to work on?

By Elaine Watson

While flavor is still the most important attribute, consumer research from Comax Flavors reveals that a significant percentage of shoppers (36%) regularly consuming plant-based dairy alternatives cite health benefits as a key purchase driver, results...

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