
Plant-based milk debate heats up state regulators weigh in at NCIMS

Plant Based Foods Association: 'I am not sure how this resolution helps'

Plant-based milk debate heats up as state regulators weigh in at NCIMS meeting

By Elaine Watson

State milk regulators have weighed into the plant-based milk debate in a vote that was hailed by the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) as “the strongest statement yet that the abuse of dairy terms has gone too far," but dismissed as unhelpful...

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Eat more yoghurt for better bones, says study

By Emma Jane Cash

Higher hip bone density and a reduced risk of osteoporosis have been found to occur after increased consumption of yoghurt in older women and men in Ireland.

NACS, Cumberland Farms commit to expanding access to healthy options

NACS, Cumberland Farms commit to expanding access to healthy options

By Elizabeth Crawford

Corner stores, bodegas and gas stations have a bad reputation when it comes to the healthfulness of the foods and beverages they offer, but the National Association of Convenience Stores and Cumberland Farms hope to change that by teaming up with Partnership...

Soup-to-Nuts Podcast: Confections hold steady in face of war on sugar

Soup-to-Nuts Podcast: Confections hold steady in face of the war on sugar

By Elizabeth Crawford

Despite significant headwinds generated by the escalating war on sugar and increasing consumer preferences for healthy products, the confectionery industry is holding its own with sales climbing 1.2% in the last year to reach a whopping $25 billion, according...

Vox Pop: In sports nutrition, 'usually just protein'

Sports Nutrition Special Edition

Vox Pop: 'Protein, and that's pretty much it actually'

By Adi Menayang

Sports nutrition is a booming industry, with Euromonitor estimating a value of $7.4bn in the US. When we went to the streets and asked a few gym-goers what they buy, to no surprise, it was all protein.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, US, has rejected plans for a soda tax. Pic: iStock

Santa Fe rejects soda tax

By Rachel Arthur

Santa Fe voters yesterday rejected a tax on sugar sweetened beverages in the city.

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