
EU regulatory deadlock welcomed by organic groups

By Niamh Michail

EU ministers have failed to reach an agreement on proposed changes to EU organic regulation, pushing back a vote until June – a standstill that is welcomed by organic farming associations.

ABA policy chief: 'There are over 63 issues our industry is monitoring and we’ve really had to prioritize'

Trans fat ban / Nutrition Facts Panel overhaul / FSMA implementation

Big baking: Policy change has never been this busy, says ABA

By Kacey Culliney

Bakers must be prioritize and collaborate in the face of policy upheaval on nutrition, ingredients and food safety this year, warns the American Bakers Association (ABA).

Post Holdings’ acquisitions pay off faster than expected

Post Holdings’ acquisitions pay off faster than expected

By Elizabeth Crawford

Recent acquisitions to diversify Post Holdings’ portfolio are paying off more quickly than anticipated, prompting the cereal giant to raise its full year guidance despite a larger than expected negative impact from a supplier that tested positive for...

3D printing will definitely move into home kitchen, pioneer

60-second interview: Kyle von Hasseln, creative director food products 3DSYSTEMS

3D printing will 'definitely move into home kitchen', predicts The Sugar Lab co-founder

By Elaine Watson

Food was already 3D last time we checked, so once you get over the excitement of being able to ‘print’ a multi-dimensional product in layers, are you left with an expensive gimmick, or something that is going to change the culinary world forever? 

Food prices are likely to stay under downward pressure due to large supplies and a strong US dollar, the FAO says

FAO: Global food import costs to hit five-year low


Global food import costs are set to reach their lowest level in five years during 2015, even as volumes remain the same or rise slightly, according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

Leading from the heart led Plum Organics to the top

Leading from the heart led Plum Organics to the top

By Elizabeth Crawford

The secret to Plum Organics’ rapid ascent to the top of the organic baby, toddler and children’s food industry is its deeply engrained philosophy to “lead with the heart,” the firm’s CEO Neil Grimmer says. 

Could humor be the secret weapon in the GMO debate?

Could humor be the secret weapon in the GMO debate?

By Elaine Watson

Attacking biotech companies and spurning ‘artificial’ ingredients will usually generate some positive PR for your business, even if food scientists wearily point out that there are greater threats to our health - and the planet - than GMOs and dough conditioners...

Six in 10 non-organic shoppers see organic as overpriced, says Mintel

Investment to tackle organic ‘price barrier’

By Daisy Phillipson

Price is arguably the biggest barrier the organic market faces, says Mintel – but retailers are coming up with ways to make organic foods accessible to a wider audience.

Which breakfast products have the highest purchase intent scores?

Which new breakfast products have the highest purchase intent scores?

By Elaine Watson

New data from Instantly’s Product Watch tool - a "live, crowd-sourced insights engine" which gathers insights from an army of consumers via their mobile phones as they shop – reveals fairly low purchase intent scores on many of the recent launches...

Organic farming tends to have lower crop yields than conventional farming - but it is also less reliant on non-renewable inputs

Can organic feed the world?


Organic crops generally have lower yields than conventional crops – but that’s not the only way to measure their potential to feed the world.

5 strategies to maximize snack sales

5 strategies to maximize snack sales

By Elizabeth Crawford

Sales of snacks are poised for significant growth in the U.S. in the next five years, but for the category to reach its full potential, manufacturers need to go beyond new product launches to fully exploit all opportunities for growth, according to a...

Sustainability generates substantial cost savings for Stonyfield Farm

organic and non-gmo trends

Sustainability generates substantial cost savings for Stonyfield Farm

By Elizabeth Crawford

Stonyfield Farm’s wide-ranging and forward-looking sustainability initiatives launched in the last decade have helped the firm save more than the environment – they also saved the organic yogurt maker more than $31 million in costs. 

Aspartame will be replaced with sucralose

Aspartame has been deemed safe by all major scientific and regulatory bodies

PepsiCo ditches aspartame from Diet Pepsi in US: ‘While decades of studies show aspartame is safe, we recognize that consumer demand is evolving’

By Elaine Watson

While aspartame is safe, many US consumers don’t want it in their cola, said PepsiCo this morning, announcing plans to ditch the much-maligned sweetener from Diet Pepsi, Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi and Wild Cherry Diet Pepsi in the U.S from August.

Congress should strengthen FDA’s oversight of GMOs, CSPI leader says

Organic and non-gmo trends

Congress should strengthen FDA’s oversight of GMOs, CSPI leader says

By Elizabeth Crawford

Congress needs to strengthen FDA’s oversight of genetically modified organisms before foreign countries, with potentially lower safety standards, begin genetically engineering crops used in finished products that are imported to the U.S., argues an executive...

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