
The Olympic Games in Rio has been branded a “carnival of junk food marketing. ©iStock

Food industry under fire over Olympic sponsorship deals

By David Burrows

The Olympic Games in Rio has been branded a “carnival of junk food marketing” as campaigners published new research on advertising tactics used by Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and Mars brand M&Ms. Kellogg’s were also singled out as sponsors of Team Great...

Picture credit: 365 by Whole Foods Market

'America is becoming a nation of par-cookers, snackers and meal assemblers'

Hartman Group to supermarkets: Embrace fresh or die (slowly)

By Elaine Watson

As supermarkets continue to lose market share to high- and low-end rivals, they must fully embrace consumer demand for fresh, stock more premium products and behave more like specialty retailers if they are to survive in today’s climate, according to...

WLF: San Francisco soda warnings violate First Amendment

Is the food industry working for or against the consumer? Find out at Food Vision USA 2016

San Francisco soda health warnings violate First Amendment by forcing manufacturers to denigrate their own products, says WLF

By Elaine Watson

The Washington Legal Foundation (WLF) has urged the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to stop enforcing a San Francisco ordinance requiring sugary drink ads to include health warnings, on the grounds that they violate manufacturers’ First Amendment...

Sloan Trends at IFT: Moves away from fortification 'very troubling'

Sloan Trends: 'The move away from fortification is very troubling'

By Elaine Watson

Manufacturers have been ‘cleaning up’ food labels for years, but the pressure to oust 'unpronounceable' ingredients has now become so great that important vitamins and minerals (which often have chemical-sounding names) are also being ditched...

Mahni Ghorashi: 'GMO labeling legisation aside, we’re seeing a trend of more transparency rather than less transparency, and this means more testing...'

New NGS DNA testing methods will replace PCR, predicts Clear Labs

Are ‘GMO-free’ (as opposed to ‘non-GMO’) claims legally defensible?

By Elaine Watson

As the Non-GMO Project states on its website, ‘GMO-free’ claims are “not legally or scientifically defensible due to limitations of testing methodology" coupled with cross-contamination risks. In future, however, that could change as testing methods...

Bad Science author Dr Ben Goldacre at the IFT show

Is food marketing awash with bad science? If so, who is to blame?

Dr Ben Goldacre: ‘Does this food cause or prevent cancer? Honestly, there's no need for any more stories like that, they have almost no value’

By Elaine Watson

There was plenty of handwringing at the IFT show this year about the lack of scientific literacy characterizing the debate around food and farming, backed up by scores of press clippings about ‘franken-foods.’ But is the media solely to blame, and what’s...


Soylent: 'Proudly Made with GMOs'

By Elaine Watson

It’s a bold move given how highly-charged – and extremely polarized - the debate has become, but Los Angeles-based start-up Soylent has weighed into the conversation over genetically engineered food crops with a blog post entitled: 'Soylent: Proudly...

Nielsen explores multicultural spending on private label

Private label has upped its game... so why is its share stagnating?

By Elaine Watson

New data from Nielsen reveals that private label’s dollar share of the US CPG market has hovered stubbornly below 18% since 2011 before declining very slightly in the latest 52 weeks, while a breakdown of purchasing habits by ethnic group reveals that...

'People will pay more for food. The British people have voted to raise the food prices,' says professor Tim Lang. Photo: iStock

Brexit Briefings: Interview

What are Britain's post-Brexit options and how will it impact industry?

By Niamh Michail

Rising food prices, watered-down safety standards, food law dictated by big businesses and a disastrous impact on public health. Professor in food policy Tim Lang looks at the options of a post-Brexit UK but sees little light at the end of the channel...

Photo: iStock


Britain votes to leave the EU: What now?

By Niamh Michail

Britain has voted to leave the European Union and Prime Minister David Cameron has resigned as a result. Across Europe and the UK, the food industry is coming to terms with the outcome.

L-R (top): Steve Bryant, MSL Group; Elaine Watson, FoodNavigator-USA; Laurie Demeritt, Hartman Group

PODCAST: What makes Millennials tick?

By Elaine Watson

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Probiotics are “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.” (Picture: Istockphoto)

Do fermented foods contain probiotics? Not necessarily, says Ganeden

By Elaine Watson

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi and yogurts containing ‘live and active cultures’ are healthy and tasty, but they are not necessarily packed with probiotics, says Ganeden Inc, the Ohio-based firm behind one of the best-known probiotic...

GUEST ARTICLE, How far down do GMO roots extend?

GUEST ARTICLE: Fruit of the poisonous tree… How far down do GMO roots extend?

By Kristen E. Polovoy, Esquire, of counsel, Montgomery McCracken

‘Fat-free,’ ‘non-dairy,’ ‘all-natural’, ‘sugar-free’, ‘gluten-free’ . . . are all in recent history’s hit parade of terms perceived by many consumers as a sign that that a product is somehow ‘better’ or ‘healthier.’  The most recent term to join this...

Fresh Thyme Farmers Market outlines its strategy

Fresh Thyme Farmers Market: ‘Food retail is in a state of flux'

By Elaine Watson

While some people plan a grocery shopping trip like a military campaign, many others are not thinking much beyond what’s for dinner tonight, says Mike Savage, VP Non Perishables at Fresh Thyme Farmers Market, and retailers are not making things easy for...

Hampton Creek CEO Josh Tetrick: If research & promo boards don't want to be subject to FOIA-style scrutiny, they should split from USDA entirely

Hampton Creek smells a rat in ag appropriations bill over FOIA requests

By Elaine Watson

A paragraph on page 34 of the 206-page 2017 House Agricultural Appropriations Bill - spotted by Hampton Creek’s eagle-eyed new VP of policy Tiny May yesterday - proposes to exempt industry-funded commodity research and promotion programs such as the American...

Picture: istockphoto

What Millennials want: From customization to continuous snacking

By Elaine Watson

Whether it’s choosing a car, or deciding what to wear, Millennials display a “pronounced proclivity for bold and confident individualism,” according to Packaged Facts. But how does this impact their food choices, and how can manufacturers, retailers and...

Picture: istockphoto,anyaberkut

GUEST ARTICLE: 10 ways big CPG companies are shooting themselves in the foot

By Dr Kurt Jetta, founder & CEO, TABS Analytics

Why are the top 100 CPG brands underperforming in most of the categories in which they operate? Lots of reasons, many beyond their control, says Dr Kurt Jetta, founder of TABS Analytics. But some the wounds are self-inflicted, he argues: “We are holding...

Rebecca Cross:

BraunHagey & Borden LLP sets up practice group to target emerging food brands

Legal issues every food SME should deal with now, or risk paying later...

By Elaine Watson

Failure to seek legal advice when you launch your business can prove ruinous later on - especially when you are trying to raise money, or engineer an exit - says law firm BraunHagey & Borden LLP, which is setting up a new practice group to provide...

Picture: Istockphoto-martiapunts

GUEST ARTICLE: What’s in your Parmesan, (wood) pulp fiction or fact?

By Jacob Harper, attorney, TroyGould PC, Los Angeles

Eating Parmesan is not going to leave you swallowing splinters.  But you’d never know it after reading articles such as, ‘The Parmesan You Sprinkle on Your Penne Could be Wood,’ ‘FDA Warns the Parmesan You Eat May Be Wood Pulp,’ and ‘Yes, Parmesan Cheese...

Sen. Merkley unveils new GMO labeling bill backed by Campbell Soup

Bill requires mandatory GMO labeling but would not require front of pack ‘warning’ statements

Sen. Merkley introduces new GMO labeling bill backed by Campbell Soup, Amy's Kitchen, but critics say it “can’t pass”

By Elaine Watson

Two days after Senator Pat Roberts’ voluntary GMO labeling bill got the green light from the Senate agriculture committee, Senator Jeff Merkley* (D-OR) has introduced a ‘common-sense’ alternative he claims will please supporters of mandatory GMO labeling,...

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