
Move over potato chips...consumers want veggie chips, hummus and now seaweed, say manufacturers

'There’s going to be little tweaks in the direction of better-for-you because it isn’t just a niche group like granola people, it’s everybody'

Trendy snacks: Will seaweed, hummus and cassava spell the death of the potato chip?

By Kacey Culliney

The alternative chip craze has exploded with a flurry of root veg and plant products on shelf, but can they compete with or even kill off the infamous potato chip?

Picture: Lubos Houska

GMA: 'HR 1599 protects the consumer from a costly and confusing 50 state patchwork of labeling laws'

House passes Pompeo bill that would prevent state-mandated GMO labeling

By Elaine Watson

The US House of Representatives has passed the industry-backed voluntary GMO labeling bill - The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act 2015 - by 275 votes to 150, and rejected all four amendments it was asked to consider.

 Chef Michael McGreal

Lights, camera, action! Edible insects in focus at IFT 2015

By Elaine Watson

No self-respecting food conference would be complete these days without a session on edible insects. But are they a gimmick or a serious source of alternative protein? FoodNavigator-USA editor Elaine Watson headed to the 2015 IFT show in Chicago to find...

Pope Francis weighs into the GMO debate

Pope Francis weighs into the GMO debate

By Elaine Watson

Pope Francis has weighed into the debate over GM crops, arguing that while he doesn’t believe there is any “conclusive proof that GM cereals are harmful to human beings”, he worries about their effects on the ecosystem, and argues that they have resulted...

The premium food market: When are consumers most likely to trade up?

Hartman Group: Pleasure & distinction bigger drivers than health for premium products

The premium food opportunity: When are US consumers most likely to trade up?

By Elaine Watson

While more premium brands from KRAVE to Noosa are being snapped up by big food companies and private equity firms, not every CPG category has the potential to be driven – or revitalized - by premium brands, according to a new analysis by Hartman Group....

Millennials and food shopping: Are you up to speed?

Millennials and food shopping: Are you up to speed?

By Elaine Watson

Compared to previous generations Millennials are far more likely to make spur-of-the-moment food decisions and have less well-stocked pantries, say market researchers. But many food retailers are not geared up to meet their changing needs.

Just scaling up alone without fundamental changes to farming practices could decrease costs by 25-50%

All Things Bugs: We’re having conversations with a lot of mainstream food manufacturers

By Elaine Watson

While cost is a barrier – and regulatory issues need ironing out – mainstream food manufacturers “have been way more open to this [using edible insects in their products] than you would probably think”, says the founder of the world’s largest insect-based...

3D printing will definitely move into home kitchen, pioneer

60-second interview: Kyle von Hasseln, creative director food products 3DSYSTEMS

3D printing will 'definitely move into home kitchen', predicts The Sugar Lab co-founder

By Elaine Watson

Food was already 3D last time we checked, so once you get over the excitement of being able to ‘print’ a multi-dimensional product in layers, are you left with an expensive gimmick, or something that is going to change the culinary world forever? 

Could humor be the secret weapon in the GMO debate?

Could humor be the secret weapon in the GMO debate?

By Elaine Watson

Attacking biotech companies and spurning ‘artificial’ ingredients will usually generate some positive PR for your business, even if food scientists wearily point out that there are greater threats to our health - and the planet - than GMOs and dough conditioners...

What does the ruling in Vermont mean for GMO labeling?

Attorney: This case could end up in the Supreme Court

What does the ruling in Vermont mean for GMO labeling?

By Elaine Watson

While opponents of Vermont’s GMO labeling Act 120 suffered a major setback this week after a federal judge rejected many of their arguments, some attorneys predict the case could ultimately end up in the Supreme Court to settle a long-running debate over...

Organic farming tends to have lower crop yields than conventional farming - but it is also less reliant on non-renewable inputs

Can organic feed the world?


Organic crops generally have lower yields than conventional crops – but that’s not the only way to measure their potential to feed the world.

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