
BENEO opens North American application center in New Jersey

BENEO opens North American application center in New Jersey

By Elaine Watson

BENEO – best known for its chicory root fibers, low glycemic carbs, and rice ingredients – has opened an application center in Parsippany, New Jersey, to help it get closer to customers in the North American market looking to add fiber, reduce sugar and...

Picture: Gettyimages-adrian825

Dr Lustig: 'Despite the food industry's propaganda, people now understand that 'a calorie is not a calorie...'

IFIC Food & Health survey shows significant shift in consumer attitudes towards sugar, carbs

By Elaine Watson

Dr Robert Lustig’s mantra – that not all calories were created equal - appears to be resonating with more US consumers, with one third (33%) of Americans believing that sugars are the ‘source of calories most likely to cause weight gain’ compared with...

Organic players consider new options to promote their industry after USDA cans checkoff proposal

Organic players consider options after USDA cans checkoff proposal

By Elizabeth Crawford

Organic stakeholders are considering how they can promote their industry and raise funds for organic agriculture research and extension efforts after the US Department of Agriculture “blindsided” them by terminating the check-off program that many worked...

USDA outlines three prong plan to detect and prevent fraud in organic

USDA outlines three prong plan to detect and prevent fraud in organic

By Elizabeth Crawford

The US Department of Agriculture has launched a comprehensive and aggressive three-prong approach to detect and prevent fraud in the organic industry, after the discovery last year that some imports from Eastern Europe were falsely labeled as organic,...

Organic stakeholders test pilot to root out fraud

Organic stakeholders test pilot to root out fraud

By Elizabeth Crawford

Starting next month, a small but diverse group of organic stakeholders from across the supply chain will test-drive a rigorous set of fraud prevention, detection and mitigation strategies that once fine-tuned will become subject to the annual inspection...

The successful Got Milk? slogan has led to US dairy's new Got Jobs? campaign. The US dairy products industry supports nearly 3m workers and has an overall economic impact of more than $628bn.

US dairy plays on Got Milk? with Got Jobs? campaign

By Jim Cornall

Most Americans are aware of the successful Got Milk? slogan, and now the U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC), the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) are collaborating to create the "Got Jobs?...

Picture: istockphoto-scanrail

GUEST ARTICLE: FDA poised to spoil a food fight, naturally

By Gregory D Cote, partner, McCarter & English

World-renowned chef Thomas Keller once said, ‘Food should be fun.’ But to those who make the products we eat and drink, there is nothing fun about food and beverage labeling litigation.

Andreas Fibig:

IFF CEO on the Frutarom mega-deal: 'This transaction is all about growth'

By Elaine Watson

Terms such as ‘streamlining overheads’ and ‘footprint optimization’ conjure up images of job cuts and factory closures, but IFF’s $7.1bn megadeal to acquire Israeli flavors and natural ingredients firm Frutarom is “all about growth, not cost savings at...

Introducing the FoodNavigator-USA summit 2018: FOOD FOR KIDS!

What's in your lunchbox? Healthy meals, snacks and drinks for children

Introducing the FoodNavigator-USA summit 2018: FOOD FOR KIDS!

By Elaine Watson

Almost one in three American children is overweight or obese, and one in every 13 has a food allergy.* So how can retailers, packaged food brands and the foodservice industry address these concerns, and develop nutritious and delicious meals, snacks,...

Blue Apron CEO: 'There is a vast number of consumers who maybe want to interact with our product on a different basis...'

Blue Apron embraces omni-channel strategy as Costco pilot expands

By Elaine Watson

As rivals Plated and Chef’d have embraced an omni-channel strategy, Blue Apron has unveiled plans to expand the rollout of branded meal kits at Costco in a bid to woo consumers that buy into the meal kit concept, but don’t want to commit to a subscription.

The proposed rule does not mention foods produced via techniques such as gene editing. Picture: istockphoto, vchal

USDA proposed rule on GMO labeling raises more questions than answers

By Elaine Watson

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has published a long-awaited proposed rule to establish GMO labeling standards (the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard), but still leaves most of the key questions – including how to interpret its...

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