
Good Karma eyes $600m opportunity in plant-based yogurts

Good Karma CEO eyes $600m opportunity in plant-based yogurt category

By Elaine Watson

In the natural channel, says Good Karma CEO Doug Radi, plant-based options account for 25% of dollar sales of fluid ‘milk,’ but just 8% of yogurt sales. In the conventional channel, meanwhile, the figures are 8% and 1% respectively. “So if you close the...

FDA probe won’t derail Kraft ‘natural cheese’ lawsuit

FDA probe won’t derail Kraft ‘natural cheese’ lawsuit, says judge

By Elaine Watson

While some ‘natural’ lawsuits have been put on ice while the FDA mulls over the meaning of the most contentious word in food marketing, a judge handling one such case against Kraft Foods Group (now Kraft Heinz) says there are not compelling grounds to...

FOOD LITIGATION TRENDS 101: Are you up to speed?

FOOD LITIGATION 101: Are you up to speed?

By Elaine Watson

There have been hundreds of class action lawsuits directed against food and beverage companies in recent years over everything from evaporated cane juice to Non-GMO claims. But has the false advertising litigation trend peaked, and if not, what are the...

Source: iStock

NOSB votes to keep ‘GMO 2.0’ techniques out of organic

By Elizabeth Crawford

To protect organic crops and products form the “incursion” of rapidly developing genetic engineering, the National Organic Standards Board voted last week to recommend USDA expand and strengthen the definitions of excluded methods under organic regulations.

Pros & cons of carrageenan weighed at NOSB ahead of vote to delist it

Pros & cons of carrageenan weighed at NOSB ahead of vote to delist it

By Elizabeth Crawford

Advocates for and against allowing organic products to continue using the non-organic thickener carrageenan argued their cases in front of the National Organic Standards Board Wednesday ahead of the advisory committee’s vote on the issue Thursday.

Wells Fargo: 'We expect Trump to pursue changes to limit the production of goods in foreign countries by US-based companies' (picture: donaldjtrump.com)

NAMI: ‘Failure to act on TPP will be potentially devastating’

What will Trump mean for beverages, meat, bakery? Wells Fargo, ABA and NAMI weigh in

By Elaine Watson

A Trump administration could herald more business-friendly tax policies, but it could also stymie food labeling, health and nutrition-related initiatives set in motion under the Obama administration, and create uncertainty for businesses with operations...

FOOD VISION USA Innovate or die, says Rabobank

FOOD VISION USA: Dude, where's my consumer?

By Elaine Watson

Many ‘legacy’ food and beverage brands are losing market share because they have “lost touch with where the consumer is going,” delegates at Food Vision USA were told.

Social Nature harnesses social media to drive consumer engagement

Social Nature harnesses social media to drive consumer engagement

How do you generate buzz around your new product without breaking the bank?

By Elaine Watson

Demos are expensive and time consuming, shows and events can be hit and miss, and redemption rates for coupons handed out at events can be frustratingly low. So how can you reach more target consumers, generate more buzz about your products, and use it...

Eight food industry players have already signed up to the project. © iStock

Just how nutritious are sustainable proteins?

By Niamh Michail

The need for sustainable proteins is on the rise, but are they as healthy and nutritious as their mainstream equivalents? A public-private partnership (PPP) coordinated by Wageningen University aims to determine just that, and is on the lookout for more...

Neil Grimmer: 'We're far more than just a meal delivery company; we’re offering a personal well being platform'

Personalized nutrition not just about 'DNA diets,' says CEO of Campbell Soup-backed start-up

Personalized nutrition is the future, says Habit CEO: ‘Generic public health advice is great.The problem is, people don’t follow it’

By Elaine Watson

Is personalized nutrition just an overpriced indulgence for affluent people that are already health conscious, or could Campbell Soup’s $32m bet on Habit – a nutrition and meal-delivery operation partnering with leading systems biologists – really transform...

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