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Britain votes to leave the EU: What now?

By Niamh Michail

Britain has voted to leave the European Union and Prime Minister David Cameron has resigned as a result. Across Europe and the UK, the food industry is coming to terms with the outcome.

Upcoming seminar to focus on financing a CPG company

Upcoming seminar to focus on financing a CPG company

Investment experts and industry-leading entrepreneurs will provide insights and tips on how to improve the odds of successfully obtaining financing during the upcoming “Financing Your Consumer Products Company” seminar.

Soup-to-Nuts Podcast: Growing sales of plant-based products

Soup-to-Nuts Podcast

Soup-to-Nuts Podcast: Strategies for growing sales of plant-based products

By Elizabeth Crawford

When many mainstream consumers think of plant-based alternatives to animal products they think of non-dairy milks – and for good reason: it is one of the fastest growing sub-categories and a key driver in the growth of the overall plant-based segment.

Can ice cream be a meal replacement? Brio thinks so

Can ice cream be a meal replacement? Brio thinks so

By Adi Menayang

Vermont-company Brio says it has developed a product that can satiate a sweet tooth and fulfill cravings for a cold treat in a guilt-free manner with its nutrient-dense “meal replacement” ice cream.

The dairy partnership will help General Mills double its organic acreage by 2019.

General Mills and Organic Valley enter dairy partnership

By Mary Ellen Shoup

General Mills has entered a strategic sourcing partnership with Wisconsin-based dairy cooperative Organic Valley that will help roughly 20 dairy farms add around 3,000 acres to organic dairy production over the next three years.

Source: iStock

Too close to call: How do consumers really feel about GMOs?

By Elizabeth Crawford

The controversy surrounding genetic engineering may feel deafening at times with each side prolifically and loudly debating its pros and cons, but the vast majority of consumers remain unfamiliar GMOs and unclear if they pose a risk, according to a recent...

Eurolactis' donkey milk Onalat is increasing production, and the company is moving into chocolate bars.

New donkey milk products in pipeline

By Jim Cornall

Swiss-based donkey milk company Eurolactis is ramping up production, and is set to launch the first large-scale production of a chocolate bar made with donkey’s milk.

New sugar labeling a boon for alternative sweeteners

New sugar labeling a boon for alternative sweeteners

By Hank Schultz

The added sugars portion of the newly revamped nutrition facts labels for food products will provide a significant opportunity for purveyors of alternative sweeteners, an industry expert says.

L-R (top): Steve Bryant, MSL Group; Elaine Watson, FoodNavigator-USA; Laurie Demeritt, Hartman Group

PODCAST: What makes Millennials tick?

By Elaine Watson

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Paleo: A fad, a trend, or the start of a new food movement?

Paleo: A fad, a trend, or the start of a new food movement?

By Elaine Watson

Is Paleo a trend or a fad? And are 'plant-based foods' just a sexier term for meat & dairy alternatives, or the start of a new food movement? FoodNavigator-USA caught up with Blake Mitchell, president of food packaging and branding design...

'Natural' must be distinct from 'organic,' say industry trade associations

What is natural? Over to you, FDA...

By Elaine Watson

The comment period for the FDA’s probe into ‘natural’ claims has closed, leaving the agency with the unenviable task of sifting through a mammoth pile of submissions from thousands of stakeholders weighing in on the most contentious word in food marketing....

GUEST ARTICLE, How far down do GMO roots extend?

GUEST ARTICLE: Fruit of the poisonous tree… How far down do GMO roots extend?

By Kristen E. Polovoy, Esquire, of counsel, Montgomery McCracken

‘Fat-free,’ ‘non-dairy,’ ‘all-natural’, ‘sugar-free’, ‘gluten-free’ . . . are all in recent history’s hit parade of terms perceived by many consumers as a sign that that a product is somehow ‘better’ or ‘healthier.’  The most recent term to join this...

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