
Cheese could be the next health food, industry expert suggests

Cheese could be the next health food, industry expert suggests

By Elizabeth Crawford

The tide may be changing for cheese, as science helps re-position the dairy food as a protein-dense, calcium-rich, healthy snack rather than as a high-fat and -sodium food to be enjoyed in moderation, suggests a market trends expert. 

Whole Foods unveils the name of its soon-to-launch value chain

Whole Foods unveils the name of its soon-to-launch value chain

By Elizabeth Crawford

Whole Foods Market’s much vaunted new value chain – 365 by Whole Foods Market – will not be a “discount model or a dumbed-down version of Whole Foods” as feared by some when the company first announced the impending launch, according to the new chain’s...

Tarte Asian Yogurt on carving out a niche in a crowded market

Winston Lee: 'We're caramelizing milk and sugar together and then culturing it'

Tarte Asian Yogurt CEO: 'Greek has 47% of the market; we’re going after the other 53%'

By Elaine Watson

When Winston Lee started pitching Tarte Asian Yogurt to retailers three years ago, the market had already hit peak Greek, he says: “Buyers were already looking at what's next after Greek. If you weren't already a brand on the shelf, you had...

Consumers want milk ‘with benefits tailored to them’: Datamonitor


Consumers want milk ‘with benefits tailored to them’: Datamonitor


Dairies can recover market share lost to non-dairy alternatives, such as almond milk, by developing milk products tailored to the meet the nutritional needs of specific groups, says Datamonitor Consumer.

Lifeway Foods: ‘We want to be to kefir what Hershey's is to chocolate'

'We have retained a cult-like following even as we have gone mass market'

Lifeway Foods CEO: ‘We want to be to kefir what Hershey's is to chocolate'

By Elaine Watson

When Julie Smolyansky became president and CEO of kefir market leader Lifeway Foods in 2002 after the sudden death of her father (its founder), the stock went into freefall as investors feared the 27-year old wasn’t ready to run a public company. They...

The premium food market: When are consumers most likely to trade up?

Hartman Group: Pleasure & distinction bigger drivers than health for premium products

The premium food opportunity: When are US consumers most likely to trade up?

By Elaine Watson

While more premium brands from KRAVE to Noosa are being snapped up by big food companies and private equity firms, not every CPG category has the potential to be driven – or revitalized - by premium brands, according to a new analysis by Hartman Group....

IRI: Millennials are hungry for new products

IRI: Millennials are hungry for new products

Millennials are more likely to be hungry for new food products than other demographics, with 38% “always looking for new food products to try” versus 31% of total shoppers, according to survey data* from Chicago-based researcher IRI.

Millennials and food shopping: Are you up to speed?

Millennials and food shopping: Are you up to speed?

By Elaine Watson

Compared to previous generations Millennials are far more likely to make spur-of-the-moment food decisions and have less well-stocked pantries, say market researchers. But many food retailers are not geared up to meet their changing needs.

EU regulatory deadlock welcomed by organic groups

By Niamh Michail

EU ministers have failed to reach an agreement on proposed changes to EU organic regulation, pushing back a vote until June – a standstill that is welcomed by organic farming associations.

Food prices are likely to stay under downward pressure due to large supplies and a strong US dollar, the FAO says

FAO: Global food import costs to hit five-year low


Global food import costs are set to reach their lowest level in five years during 2015, even as volumes remain the same or rise slightly, according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

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