
GUEST ARTICLE: Is plant-based the new gluten-free?

GUEST ARTICLE: Is plant-based the new gluten-free?

By William Dowling, research manager, CircleUp

The plant-based movement is easier to understand when considering it alongside another trend that proved to be a financial boon for brands: gluten-free.

Hispanic shoppers emerge as heavy natural, organic buyer in the US

Hispanic shoppers emerge as heavy natural, organic buyers in the US

By Elizabeth Crawford

Hispanic shoppers buy significantly more natural, organic and better-for-you items than the overall US population, which suggests manufacturers in the space could generate even higher sales by targeting the demographic, according to new research from...

Goodbye NuVal… and good riddance?

Goodbye NuVal… and good riddance?

By Elaine Watson

The NuVal shelf tag program – which assigned products a score of 1-100 based on their nutritional value – has been phased out. Good riddance, or do we need a system that attempts to provides consumers with at-a-glance information that helps them rapidly...

Where next for natural sweeteners? In conversation with Layn USA

By Elaine Watson

Monk fruit is still more expensive than stevia, but significant progress is being made on tackling the pricing and regulatory issues that have historically held the market back, says Layn Corp, a leading supplier of monk fruit and stevia based natural...

Organic industry fights back against USDA delay of animal welfare rule

Organic industry fights back against USDA delay of animal welfare rule

By Elizabeth Crawford

Against the vast majority of stakeholders’ wishes, the US Department of Agriculture once again is delaying the widely supported Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices because the department believes the final rule oversteps Congress’ mandate ‘for the...

Picture: istockphoto/cmcderm1

Dr Richardson: 'Strategic plans empower entrepreneurs to say ‘no’ to the wrong opportunities'

GUEST ARTICLE: Why entrepreneurs need a strategic plan

By Dr James Richardson, founder, Premium Growth Solutions

With retailers increasingly open to stocking premium products from emerging brands, and Amazon offering a great platform to help entrepreneurs reach a nationwide audience, it might seem like there's never been a better time to start a food &...

Icelandic Provisions CEO: Skyr could be as big as Greek

Icelandic Provisions CEO: Skyr could be as big as Greek

By Elaine Watson

Could skyr – which is higher in protein and lower in sugar – be as big as Greek yogurt, or is the ‘Icelandic’ segment of the dairy aisle likely to remain a quirky niche? Ten years ago, people were asking the same question about Greek yogurt, says the...

Companies must boost digital presence ahead of ecommerce grocery boom

Companies must boost digital presence ahead of ecommerce grocery boom

By Elizabeth Crawford

Even though ecommerce represents only a small fraction of grocery sales currently, manufacturers and retailers need to embrace digital now or else risk losing out given it influences more than half of all grocery sales somewhere along the path to purchase,...

IRI insights on Gen Z shopping suggest marketers need a new approach

IRI insights on Gen Z shopping suggest marketers need a new approach

By Elizabeth Crawford

Unlike cost-conscious generations that came before, Generation Z cares more about convenience than price – a dramatic reversal that will change not only how brands and retailers catch their attention but also where and how they shop, according to new...

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