Healthy foods

Cooking pasta removes certain wheat allergens

Cooking pasta removes certain wheat allergens

By Niamh Michail

Certain wheat allergens are released and lost when pasta is boiled while others are highly resistant and remain during the entire digestion process, researchers from Italy have found.

Aloe companies expanding production in Mexico to meet rising demand

Latin America

Aloe companies expanding production in Mexico to meet rising demand

By Hank Schultz

Worldwide demand for aloe means acreage for this important botanical continues to expand in Mexico, one of the main sources of the ingredient. And that demand has been driven largely by products sold through network marketing companies, an expert says.

Big Food is at a crossroads, says Hartman Strategy

Disrupt or die: Big Food is at a crossroads, says Hartman Strategy

By Elaine Watson

While ‘legacy’ food and beverage brands are laser focused on price, promotion and placement, no amount of financial clout or merchandising wizardry can mask the fact that smaller, sexier, more disruptive, brands are outpacing them. But are CPG’s biggest...

While plant-based foods are hot right now, high-protein meat-snacks such as jerky are also gaining momentum

Vegan, paleo, grass-fed, pasture-raised, ancient grains, and allergen friendly claims are gaining

From grass-fed to Paleo: What are the hottest trends in the natural food and beverages market?

By Elaine Watson

According to Chicago-based market research firm SPINS, US retail (dollar) sales of foods & beverages rose 1.7% in 2014, while unit sales declined by 0.4%. By contrast, sales of natural and organic brands grew nearly 12%. But where are the opportunities...

5 strategies for marketing to millennials

Partnership for a Healthier America Summit

5 strategies for marketing to millennials

By Elizabeth Crawford

Firms need to move away from one-way marketing strategies in traditional media channels and embrace open engagement in new media outlets to capture the attention of millennials, who increasingly wield purchasing power and influence but continue to elude...

The previous status quo allowed crops to be grown anywhere in Europe following EU approval, although only one GM crop, Monsanto maize variety MON810, is grown commercially in the EU.

Member states back national bans for GM crops


EU member states have voted to allow national governments to ban or restrict cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops even when approved at EU level, meaning the new rules will be written into law.

Banana flour: The next big thing in the gluten-free toolkit?

Banana flour is gluten-free, grain-free and rich in potassium and resistant starch

Banana flour: The next big thing in the gluten-free toolkit?

By Elaine Watson

Banana flour –dried unripe banana milled into powder – is still a novel concept for American consumers, but the Utah-based entrepreneur behind WEDO (which claims to be the only banana flour company in the US) reckons 2015 could be the year it hits the...

What’s for breakfast? Almonds, says Blue Diamond...

60-second interview: Jeff Smith, Director of Marketing, Blue Diamond Almonds Global Ingredients Division

What’s for breakfast? Nuts! (And preferably almonds, says Blue Diamond.)

For many Americans, breakfast has switched from being one of three square meals a day to just another snacking occasion – or something to skip altogether.  But this brings opportunities as well as challenges, says Blue Diamond’s Jeff Smith, who we caught...

Hampton Creek Foods sued again over 'deceptive' Just Mayo name

Hampton Creek Foods sued again over 'deceptive' Just Mayo name

By Elaine Watson

Just weeks after Unilever dropped its false advertising lawsuit against Hampton Creek Foods over its egg-free spread ‘Just Mayo’, a consumer class action making near-identical claims has been filed in Florida - and then abruptly withdrawn again.

Enzymes present special case in affirming non GMO status of ingredients

Special Edition: Going Non GMO in Supplements

Enzymes present special case in affirming non GMO status of ingredients

By Hank Schultz

When trying to source non GMO dietary ingredients for supplements, the inclusion of enzymes presents a special case. There is confusion about the penetration of genetic modification technology into the sector, a confusion that is abetted by the tightly-held...

Coconut sugar is made from the sap of flowers from the palm

Coconut sugar: The latest sugar alternative

By Niamh Michail

Coconut sugar is increasing in popularity because it is seen as being a healthier, more ethical alternative to sugar - but nutritionists remain sceptical of the health claims.

DGAC: Diets that are higher in plant-based foods and lower in red and processed meats are better for you and the planet

DGAC: Public and private sectors must work together to achieve a population-wide culture of health

Dietary Guidelines for Americans should factor in sustainability, says DGAC report

By Elaine Watson

The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) – an panel of experts tasked with developing recommendations about what Americans should eat – has submitted its report to the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Agriculture (USDA),...

Campbell reorganizes its portfolio, cuts costs to drive growth

Campbell reorganizes its portfolio, cuts costs to drive growth

By Elizabeth Crawford

Facing tepid earnings growth and changing consumer shopping dynamics, the Campbell Soup Co. will drastically reorganize its portfolio and cut at least $200 million in costs in the next three years, executives said Feb. 18. 

Campbell Soup unveils top 10 influential food themes for 2015

Campbell Soup unveils top 10 influential food themes for 2015

By Elaine Watson

From Filipino flavors to ancient grains, Campbell’s Culinary & Baking Institute (CCBI), a global network of chefs, bakers and culinary professionals, has released its second annual Culinary TrendScape report tracking the top 10 influential food themes...

Neal Carter: ‘The claim that we might inadvertently clobber other genes in Arctic apples is completely false’

We’re not trying to hide the fact that we’re using genetic engineering

Arctic Apples creator Neal Carter: We really think this will be a game changer

By Elaine Watson

While anti-GMO activists warn that the technology behind non-browning ‘Arctic apples’ is untested, unnecessary, and "dangerously imprecise", the grower behind them says he’s confident that the food industry and the American public will come...

Healthy cereals could help category grow modestly in 5 years

What's for breakfast? Re-inventing the first meal of the day

Healthy cereals could help industry grow modestly in 5 years, IBISWorld predicts

By Elizabeth Crawford

After years of steady decline, the cereal industry could see modest growth in the next five years thanks to consumer interest in healthier, high-end cereals, product process updates, improved commodity prices and innovative partnerships with food service...

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