Prepared foods

Bernstein: Is PepsiCo at the top of Kraft Heinz’s shopping list?

Is PepsiCo at the top of Kraft Heinz’s shopping list?

By Elaine Watson

Kraft Heinz was recently rebuffed by Unilever, but is widely rumored to be eyeing up other acquisitions. But would a marriage with PepsiCo, one of several potential targets rumored to be on the shopping list, be a match made in heaven?

'GoCleanLabel certified' scheme rolls out, but what does it mean?

Attorney: ‘Slapping another undefined term on packages that could be attacked legally’ is risky

'GoCleanLabel certified' scheme rolls out, but what does it mean?

By Elaine Watson

A new 'clean label' certification scheme has been launched in the US market as the concept of ‘clean’ eating continues to gain traction. But will CPG brands embrace the ‘Go Clean Label Certified’ logo, and are there risks to using a term that...

L2: ‘Amazon Choice is becoming increasingly important as we transition to this world of voice’

‘Amazon Choice is becoming increasingly important as we transition to this world of voice’

Alexa… how can I win on Amazon?

By Elaine Watson

It’s well known that the brands that are growing the most rapidly on Amazon are not necessarily growing the most rapidly in grocery stores, so what are the most successful CPG players on Amazon doing differently?

Picture: Memphis Meats

GFI: Clean meat will likely enter market as a high-value ingredient in plant-based products

What's the path to commercialization for clean meat?

By Elaine Watson

 ‘Clean’ (a.k.a. cultured/lab-grown) meat will likely come to market in phases, with the first products perhaps hybrids combining clean meat and plant-based meat; followed by ground meat products (nuggets, burgers); and finally those mimicking steaks...

Grainful: Oats, not just for breakfast...

Grainful closes $3.3m financing round as Americans embrace savory oats

By Elaine Watson

Savory oats pioneer Grainful has already convinced a growing number of consumers on the east and west coasts that steel-cut oats aren’t just for breakfast, and has now persuaded investors to part with a cool $3.3m to take that message to a wider, national,...

Chicory root. Picture: Cargill

ABA: Fiber suppliers are stuck in a 'holding pattern'

Nutrition Facts overhaul proves double-edged sword for inulin

By Elaine Watson

The arrival of the new-look Nutrition Facts panel (which will require manufacturers to list added sugar), is generating renewed interest in inulin: a widely-used ingredient from chicory root that also serves as a sugar replacer. But this enthusiasm is...

Photo: Ondine32/iStock

Flavor Trends free webinar, June 14 at 11:30 EST

How do you make a flavor trend work for your brand?

By Adi Menayang

Is there a science to flavor preferences and combinations? And how can companies market and brand products designed to satisfy the emerging American 'global palate' trend authentically?

NACS, Cumberland Farms commit to expanding access to healthy options

NACS, Cumberland Farms commit to expanding access to healthy options

By Elizabeth Crawford

Corner stores, bodegas and gas stations have a bad reputation when it comes to the healthfulness of the foods and beverages they offer, but the National Association of Convenience Stores and Cumberland Farms hope to change that by teaming up with Partnership...

Picture: iStockphoto-chombosan

CANADA: House of Commons to vote on GMO labeling bill on May 17

Canadian GMO labeling debate heats up ahead of May 17 vote

By Elaine Watson

Members of the Canadian Parliament will decide whether to approve mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods in a vote in the House of Commons on Wednesday. 

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