Labeling, marketing & advertising

ABA policy chief: 'There are over 63 issues our industry is monitoring and we’ve really had to prioritize'

Trans fat ban / Nutrition Facts Panel overhaul / FSMA implementation

Big baking: Policy change has never been this busy, says ABA

By Kacey Culliney

Bakers must be prioritize and collaborate in the face of policy upheaval on nutrition, ingredients and food safety this year, warns the American Bakers Association (ABA).

Post Holdings’ acquisitions pay off faster than expected

Post Holdings’ acquisitions pay off faster than expected

By Elizabeth Crawford

Recent acquisitions to diversify Post Holdings’ portfolio are paying off more quickly than anticipated, prompting the cereal giant to raise its full year guidance despite a larger than expected negative impact from a supplier that tested positive for...

Could humor be the secret weapon in the GMO debate?

Could humor be the secret weapon in the GMO debate?

By Elaine Watson

Attacking biotech companies and spurning ‘artificial’ ingredients will usually generate some positive PR for your business, even if food scientists wearily point out that there are greater threats to our health - and the planet - than GMOs and dough conditioners...

Six in 10 non-organic shoppers see organic as overpriced, says Mintel

Investment to tackle organic ‘price barrier’

By Daisy Phillipson

Price is arguably the biggest barrier the organic market faces, says Mintel – but retailers are coming up with ways to make organic foods accessible to a wider audience.

What does the ruling in Vermont mean for GMO labeling?

Attorney: This case could end up in the Supreme Court

What does the ruling in Vermont mean for GMO labeling?

By Elaine Watson

While opponents of Vermont’s GMO labeling Act 120 suffered a major setback this week after a federal judge rejected many of their arguments, some attorneys predict the case could ultimately end up in the Supreme Court to settle a long-running debate over...

SVP confident axing aspartame will bring consumers back to Diet Pepsi

'We’re confident that with this change, consumers will come back into the Diet Pepsi franchise'

Pepsi exec: Aspartame is the #1 reason why US consumers say they are drinking less diet cola

By Elaine Watson

To those arguing that replacing one artificial sweetener (aspartame) with another (sucralose) won’t arrest flagging sales of Diet Pepsi, PepsiCo SVP Seth Kaufman told FoodNavigator-USA that consumer research had singled out aspartame – rather that artificial...

Congress should strengthen FDA’s oversight of GMOs, CSPI leader says

Organic and non-gmo trends

Congress should strengthen FDA’s oversight of GMOs, CSPI leader says

By Elizabeth Crawford

Congress needs to strengthen FDA’s oversight of genetically modified organisms before foreign countries, with potentially lower safety standards, begin genetically engineering crops used in finished products that are imported to the U.S., argues an executive...

Source: Natural Machines

Slow-to-evolve FDA regulations could holdback 3D printing of food

By Elizabeth Crawford

Investing in 3D printing could open new markets and generate huge cost savings for food manufacturers and retailers, but first companies must overcome potential regulatory and legal hurdles, many of which are not yet identified, warn food and drug lawyers...

Is ALDI the most underestimated grocery retailer in the US?

Is ALDI the ‘most underestimated grocery retailer in the US?'

By Elaine Watson

While Trader Joe’s gets plenty of plaudits, its German parent company ALDI – which operates nearly 1,400 stores in 32 US states - is probably “the most underestimated grocery retailer” in the nation, according to a new report from market researcher Hartman...

General Mills nears goal of 100% sustainably sourced palm oil

General Mills nears goal of 100% sustainably sourced palm oil

By Elizabeth Crawford

Through partnerships with small farmers, non-governmental organizations and other industry stakeholders, General Mills reports it is making progress towards its goal of sustainably sourcing 100% of its top 10 ingredients by 2020.

Outgoing SFA chairman on snacking trends, GMO labeling

60-second interview: Mark Singleton, outgoing chairman of the Snack Food Association; vice president of sales & marketing, Rudolph Foods

SFA outgoing chairman: The lines between meals & snacks are blurring; we’ve seen remarkable changes in consumption patterns

By Elaine Watson

According to the March 2015 report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, most Americans now consume two or three snacks a day - news that came as no surprise to the outgoing chairman of the Snack Food Association, Mark Singleton. Elaine Watson...

The water lentil: The “world's most nutritionally complete and sustainable food source?

Lentein has more essential and branch chain amino acids than any other plant protein

Could the water lentil be the next big thing in plant-based protein?

By Elaine Watson

A new form of non-GMO plant-based protein boasting an amino acid profile comparable to whey, plus high levels of calcium and other nutrients, is now available in commercial quantities from Parabel Ltd, which has developed a proprietary process for producing...

Will 2015 be the year of tempeh?

Will 2015 be the year of tempeh?

By Elizabeth Crawford

Manufacturers are cautiously reinvesting in tempeh, which is well-positioned to capitalize on multiple growing consumer trends, but they realize that before it can take-off it must clear a major hurdle: Most consumers have never heard of it. 

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