The obesity problem

There is emerging evidence that the timing of food intake plays a much more important role in metabolism than previously thought, say researchers.

Night snacking woes: Is food timing is key to weight loss?

By Nathan Gray

There is a lack of top level evidence to support the notion that eating ‘little and often’ is beneficial for metabolism and weight loss, say researchers who warn that more robust clinical data that also accounts for meal timing is needed.

Daily sugary drink habit linked to liver disease

Daily sugary drink habit linked to liver disease

By Nathan Gray

Consumption of a sugar-sweetened drink on a daily basis may be associated with an increased risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), say researchers.

California soda warning bill dies in committee

California soda warning bill dies in committee

By Elaine Watson

A bill proposing warning labels on sugar-sweetened beverages that would alert shoppers in California to the risk of diabetes, obesity, and tooth decay, has died in the committee stage.

SVP confident axing aspartame will bring consumers back to Diet Pepsi

'We’re confident that with this change, consumers will come back into the Diet Pepsi franchise'

Pepsi exec: Aspartame is the #1 reason why US consumers say they are drinking less diet cola

By Elaine Watson

To those arguing that replacing one artificial sweetener (aspartame) with another (sucralose) won’t arrest flagging sales of Diet Pepsi, PepsiCo SVP Seth Kaufman told FoodNavigator-USA that consumer research had singled out aspartame – rather that artificial...

Dr Pepper invests $15m in minority stake in Bai Brands

Dr Pepper invests $15m in minority stake in Bai Brands

By Elaine Watson

Dr Pepper Snapple Group has invested $15m in a minority stake in Bai Brands, which has generated explosive growth in multiple retail channels with its 'antioxidant infusion' low-calorie Bai5 beverages.

Who is responsible for battling the big issues in food?

Who is responsible for battling the big issues in food?

By Nathan Gray

From obesity to malnutrition and water scarcity, the world is facing an ever-growing number of food-related problems. But how responsible is the food industry for fighting back against these issues?

WHO releases final sugar advice for children and adults

Academics and industry clash over WHO sugar advice

By Joyeeta Basu

Academics have welcomed the WHO’s recommendation to slash added sugar intake to 5-10% of calories – but the food industry has said it is misleading and based on weak evidence.

Sugar can be “powerful tool” to improve children’s diet, AAP

Sugar can be “powerful tool” to improve children’s diet, AAP

By Elizabeth Crawford

Added sugar in foods and drinks offers no nutritional benefits and contributes to the obesity epidemic by increasing consumption of empty calories, but it also can help children eat a balanced, nutrient-dense diet, according to the American Academy of...

Campbell Soup unveils top 10 influential food themes for 2015

Campbell Soup unveils top 10 influential food themes for 2015

By Elaine Watson

From Filipino flavors to ancient grains, Campbell’s Culinary & Baking Institute (CCBI), a global network of chefs, bakers and culinary professionals, has released its second annual Culinary TrendScape report tracking the top 10 influential food themes...

What are the hottest snacking trends to watch in 2015?

Meet the CEOs of KRAVE, Health Warrior, Fruigees, HUMAN and Barnana

What are the hottest snacking trends – and companies - to watch in 2015?

By Elaine Watson

With the percentage of energy derived from snacks in the American diet doubling since the late 1970s, the pressure is on to make those snacking calories count. But what is a healthy snack, and are the boundaries between snacks and meals blurring as consumers...

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