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Just scaling up alone without fundamental changes to farming practices could decrease costs by 25-50%

All Things Bugs: We’re having conversations with a lot of mainstream food manufacturers

By Elaine Watson

While cost is a barrier – and regulatory issues need ironing out – mainstream food manufacturers “have been way more open to this [using edible insects in their products] than you would probably think”, says the founder of the world’s largest insect-based...

Restaurants increasingly eat into grocery sales, research shows

Culinary trend-spotting: Where retail & foodservice collide

Restaurants increasingly eat into grocery sales, research shows

By Elizabeth Crawford

For the first time, consumers are spending more money at restaurants than on groceries in America, likely reflecting more financial flexibility from savings garnered by shopping at less expensive box stores and from lower gas prices, according to recent...

Evolva has delivered a yeast strain that meets Roquette's expectations, the company says

Evolva meets third milestone in Roquette collaboration


Swiss fermentation specialist Evolva Holding SA has reached a third milestone in its collaboration with Roquette Frères SA, triggering a payment of “several hundreds of thousands of Swiss Francs” to Evolva, the company has said.

Consumers will be given more information about how to safely prepare these products

New beef labelling laws to be introduced in US

By Chloe Ryan

New rules governing the labelling of mechanically tenderised beef are to be introduced in the US. Consumers and foodservice businesses will now be given more information about how to safely prepare the products.

The Canadian Meat Council says maintaining competitive access is of pivotal importance

Importance of TPP talks pushed by Canadian meat association

By Chloe Ryan

The Canadian Meat Council has called on its government to fully participate in international trade negotiations that could guarantee Canadian meat companies access to international markets around the Pacific coast.

Activist calls for 'real shared value' from coffee corporations

Activist calls for 'real shared value' from coffee corporations

By Lynda Searby

Entrepreneur, journalist, political consultant and campaigner Fernando Morales-de la Cruz is launching a coffee capsule brand he hopes will accelerate the eradication of poverty among coffee farmers by reinvesting 10 cents for every cup sold back into...

Smithfield Foods is the world's largest pork processor and hog producer

Smithfield Foods tops table in water management report

By Georgi Gyton

Global meat producer Smithfield Foods has gained the highest ranking in terms of water management, among leading meat companies, according to a new report by business sustainability organisation Ceres.

Argentine president Cristina Kirchner joined the inauguration ceremony by video conference

Brazil Foods expands in Argentina

By Georgi Gyton

An opening ceremony was held for the expanded Brazil Foods (BRF) facility in Baraderos, Argentina, earlier this week.

Beef export volumes were up 5% on February's figures

US red meat exports see solid March

By Aidan Fortune

US exports of pork and beef are starting to regain momentum, according to the latest figures from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the United States Meat Export Federation (USMEF).

The ban includes chicks and hatching eggs

Ecuador latest to impose nationwide ban on US poultry

By Mike Sheen

The Ecuadorian agricultural authority Agrocalidad has banned all imports of live foul, poultry meat and poultry products, as well as genetic material, including chicks and hatching eggs, from the US, in response to the recent avian influenza outbreaks.

Reed’s growth fast casual restaurants ditching unwanted ingredients

Culinary trend-spotting: Where retail & food service collide

Reed’s Inc. sees growth at fast casual restaurants ditching undesirable ingredients

By Elizabeth Crawford

Craft soda-maker Reed’s Inc. is developing a fountain program to expand its presence in fast casual restaurants following recent announcements by prominent chains to drop undesirable ingredients from their menu offerings, company executives acknowledged. 

EU regulatory deadlock welcomed by organic groups

By Niamh Michail

EU ministers have failed to reach an agreement on proposed changes to EU organic regulation, pushing back a vote until June – a standstill that is welcomed by organic farming associations.

ABA policy chief: 'There are over 63 issues our industry is monitoring and we’ve really had to prioritize'

Trans fat ban / Nutrition Facts Panel overhaul / FSMA implementation

Big baking: Policy change has never been this busy, says ABA

By Kacey Culliney

Bakers must be prioritize and collaborate in the face of policy upheaval on nutrition, ingredients and food safety this year, warns the American Bakers Association (ABA).

Post Holdings’ acquisitions pay off faster than expected

Post Holdings’ acquisitions pay off faster than expected

By Elizabeth Crawford

Recent acquisitions to diversify Post Holdings’ portfolio are paying off more quickly than anticipated, prompting the cereal giant to raise its full year guidance despite a larger than expected negative impact from a supplier that tested positive for...

3D printing will definitely move into home kitchen, pioneer

60-second interview: Kyle von Hasseln, creative director food products 3DSYSTEMS

3D printing will 'definitely move into home kitchen', predicts The Sugar Lab co-founder

By Elaine Watson

Food was already 3D last time we checked, so once you get over the excitement of being able to ‘print’ a multi-dimensional product in layers, are you left with an expensive gimmick, or something that is going to change the culinary world forever? 

Food prices are likely to stay under downward pressure due to large supplies and a strong US dollar, the FAO says

FAO: Global food import costs to hit five-year low


Global food import costs are set to reach their lowest level in five years during 2015, even as volumes remain the same or rise slightly, according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

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